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Forum ToolBox

Forum ToolBox is a collection of addons for SMF. Currently four addons are included which are detailed below.
Supports SMF 2.1.x (MySQL), SMF 2.0.x (MySQL)

Topic Ban:(SMF 2.0.x)
  • This mod will allow members with the appropriate permissions to ban members from either posting in individual topics or viewing them altogether.
  • According to their permissions they can ban members and manage banned members from own topics only and/or any topic.
  • You can set the permissions for each membergroup in the Admin Panel-Permissions.
  • You can also select a board and/or boards where you do not want members to be banned from topics. You can do that at the Board Permissions in your Admin Panel.
  • When you click the Ban From Topic button, a form appears to enter the username of the member(s) that you want to ban from that particular topic. The username field supports the auto suggest feature.
  • Manage Banned Members has been added to the moderators button, right after Link to Calendar button. Here you can see who banned who from that topic, and at what time.
  • An overall list of all banned members from topics has been added in the Admin Panel->Members->Topic Ban List.
  • And more!
Multiple Accounts Detector:(SMF 2.0.x, SMF 2.1.x)
  • Add a unique cookie to user's devices when they browse your forum. The cookie expiration date is set to one year and its unique string associated with the users device will be saved to a table. So even if the user deletes their cookies, it won't matter.
  • Anytime that an user will browse your forum from the same device, logged in from another account, i.e. as another user, his/her action(s) the unique key will be logged and it will display all users who logged in and what os system they used when a match is found.
  • And more!
Member Likes:(SMF 2.0.x)
  • This mod will add a like system in your forum where members can like each other. Only members with the appropriate permissions can like other members.
  • Whenever a member likes another member, the liked member will receive a notification through an automated pm and they will also see who liked them in their likes page.
  • You can set a maximum daily limit of how many members a member can like. Admins will not be affected by this, and you can exclude additional group(s) as well from the daily likes restriction.
  • Members like count will be displayed on their profiles and on their postbits in posts and topics. A block containing top ten most liked members will be shown in the stats page as well.
  • Adds a Like Log and Settings page in the Admin Panel. There you can see who liked whom and configure the settings.
  • Permissions can be set under profiles in Group Permission section of your Admin Panel.
  • And more!
Miserable Users:(SMF 2.0.x, SMF 2.1.x)
  • Cause your troublesome/annoying users to random errors, delays, redirects etc with the aim of making them leave your forum and never come back. Imo this is better than banning them.
  • Minimum Loading Delay (seconds). (This field holds the percentage of minimum delays of forum loading.)
  • Maximum Loading Delay (seconds). (This field holds the percentage of minimum delays of forum loading.)
  • Blank Page Chance. (This field holds the percentage of displaying blank pages.)
  • Off Line Error Page Chance. (This field holds the percentage of displaying the off line page and message.)
  • Redirection Chance. (This field holds the percentage of random redirections.)

Price $24.99 owned license (One year of updates)
License: For one instance on an online forum.
Domain for Forum ToolBox

Licenses are non refundable and you must ensure that hosting meets the above requirements.
