Setting up Ad Seller Pro Quick Start
Step 1: Setup PaypalYou will need a Paypal Business account and the first is to make sure you have IPN enabled. You can do this by logging into PayPal. Click on the Profile Link Then click Instant Payment Notification Preferences and then turn IPN on. And enter the url for ipn which would be SMF 1.1.x for SMF 2.0.x you already have a paypal url you do not need to overwrite it.
Step 2. Enter your PayPal email in Ad Seller Pro SettingsLog into your forum and go to the admin area. Click Ad Seller Pro then select the settings tab.
Under the "PayPal email address" enter your paypal email address to receive payments.
Then click Save Settings to save the settings
Step 3. Enable Ad Locations and Membergroup AccessBy default with Ad Seller Pro the adlocations are disabled so they will need to be enabled.
To enable them go to the Ad Seller Pro Locations tab
Find a location that you want to enable for instance "Overall Footer" click on the edit link.
This will take you to page to edit the location description and settings.
You want to make sure under the Title that Enabled is set to enabled.
The other important part on this page is "Membergroups"
You want to make sure that all your membergroups that you want to see ads be checked.
We would suggest to keep admin's showing the ads as well to see how the placements work the users
The description is shown on the view ad package detail page for buyers. So this can be customized if you wish to better describe the ad location.
Step 4. Add an Advertisement
As an admin you can also add your own advertisements. In Ad Seller Pro click on the "Manage Ads" tab
Then click on the "Add Ad" tab above the advertisement list.
This will take you to a page that allows you to setup an advertisement.
The ad type is important we have three ad types supported which are Text Ad's, Banner Ad's, Custom Code.
Choose the type of Ad to setup and enter the ad details.
Under Locations choose locations that are not disabled and your ad will be shown in them
Click on Add Ad and your advertisement will now be added to Ad Seller Pro
Step 5. Setting up Ad Packages
If you want to offer people visiting your site an option to buy ad space. You will need to setup an ad package.
Next click on the "Ad Packages" tab inside Ad Seller Pro.
Then click on the "Add Package" option
Enter a title for the package, a price, and any package limits such as impressions etc, expire days.
After you have the settings picked out choose which ad locations you want to be part of this ad package and click "Add Package"
The package will then be added and can be accessed either via the Advertise link in the menu if enabled or by the Advertise Here link in the location if enabled.
If you have any other questions let us know.