Modifications/Themes => Modifications Talk => Latest Mods => Topic started by: SMFHacks on April 29, 2018, 03:02:15 pm

Title: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on April 29, 2018, 03:02:15 pm
GDPR Helper;sa=view;down=207

For SMF 2.0.x and SMF 1.1.x

Warning does not guarantee GDPR compliance. No warranty provided.

Allows member to export their data. Their profile and post information
On member deletion clears IP address and email from posts and assigns a new username to all old posts.
Includes a privacy policy page, adds link in the footer e and adds a section for consent on registration
Stores the date/time that the privacy policy was changed and option to force to reagree
Stores the date/time that the registration agreement was changed and option to force to reagree
Title: Re: [Mod]GPDR Helper
Post by: Vincent Volmer on May 01, 2018, 07:02:33 am
Title: Re: [Mod]GPDR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on May 01, 2018, 05:03:38 pm
+Added support for SMF 1.1.x
+Added option to decline changes to the privacy policy and agreement page
!Fixed extension for post export data as .txt file
!Fixed undefined error on view privacy policy page
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on May 03, 2018, 12:41:46 pm
!Spelling fixes for GDPR
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: blechpirat on May 30, 2018, 02:28:22 pm
Great stuff. I translated it to german-informal and would love to see you including it an an upcoming release...

Code: [Select]
GDPR Helper
Version 1.0
translation: blechpirat
Copyright 2018

License Information:

Links to must remain unless
branding free option is purchased.


// Title string
$txt['gpdr_title'] = 'GDPR Helper';

$txt['gpdr_enable_privacy_policy'] = 'Datenschutzerklärung aktiv schalten';
$txt['gpdr_force_privacy_agree'] = 'Alle Mitglieder müssen der Datenschutzerklärung zustimmen, wenn diese geändert wurde';
$txt['gpdr_force_agreement_agree'] = 'Alle Mitglieder müssen den Nutzungsbedingungen zustimmen, wenn diese geändert wurde';
$txt['gpdr_clear_memberinfo'] = 'Lösche die Nutzer_ID/Emailadresse und Nutzernamen von Beiträgen, wenn der Nutzer gelöscht wird';
$txt['gpdr_allow_export_userdata'] = 'Erlaube Nutzern, ihre Daten zu exportieren';

$txt['gpdr_text_settings'] = 'Einstellungen';
$txt['gpdr_privacypolicy'] = 'Datenschutzerklärung';
$txt['gpdr_save_settings']  = 'Abspeichern';

// Latest Version:
$txt['gpdr_txt_latestversion'] = 'Aktuelle Version: ';
$txt['gpdr_txt_yourversion'] = 'Deine Version: ';
$txt['gpdr_txt_version_outofdate'] = 'Deine Version von GDPR Helper ist veraltet!<br /><a href=\";sa=view;down=207\" target=\"_blank\">Lade die aktuelle Version herunter!</a>';

$txt['gpdr_txt_update']  = 'Update';
$txt['gpdr_error_no_privacypolicy'] = 'Keine Zustimmung zur Datenschutzerklärung erteilt';

$txt['gpdr_err_writable_policy'] = 'Datenschutzerklärung nicht beschreibbar';
$txt['gpdr_policy_agree'] = 'Ich stimme der Datenschutzerklärung zu';

$txt['gpdr_txt_exportdata']  = 'Datenexport';

$txt['gpdr_agreement_agree'] = 'Ich stimme diesen Bedingungen zu.';
$txt['gpdr_registration_agreement'] = 'Registrierungs-Bedingungen';
$txt['gpdr_agreement_decline'] = 'Ich lehne diese Bedingungen ab.';

$txt['gpdr_admin_settings_desc'] = 'Einstellungen für das GDPR Helper System';
$txt['gpdr_admin_privacypolicy_desc'] = 'Bearbeite und aktualisiere deine Datenschutzerklärung';

$txt['gpdr_txt_privacy_header'] = 'Datenschutzerklärung/Cookies';
$txt['gpdr_txt_privacy_desc'] = 'Um dir das Forum anbieten zu können, müssen einige Daten von dir erhoben und gespeichert werden. Dazu werden sog. Cookies genutzt, um dich wiederzuerkennen und das Forum auf dich anzupasen. Details entnimm bitte der <a href="' $scripturl '?action=gpdr;sa=privacypolicy" target="_blank">Datenschutzerklärung</a>';
$txt['gpdr_txt_privacy_agree'] = 'Ich stimme zu und bin mit der Datenschutzerklärung einverstanden';
$txt['gpdr_txt_privacy_decline'] = 'Ich lehne die Datenschutzerklärung ab';
$txt['gpdr_txt_privacy_fail'] = 'Eine Registrierung ist nur mit einer Zustimmung zu unserer Datenschutzerklärung möglich';

$txt['gpdr_txt_export_information'] =  'Nutzerdatenexport';

$txt['gpdr_err_export_user'] =  'Du kannst die Daten dieses Nutzers nicht exportieren. Das ist nur für deine eigenen Daten möglich.';

$txt['gpdr_txt_user_exportdata']  = 'Exportiere das Nutzerprofil';
$txt['gpdr_txt_user_exportdata2']  = 'Klicke <a href="%link">hier</a> um das Nutzerprofil als eine csv-Datei abzuspeichern';

$txt['gpdr_profile_memid'] = 'MemberID';
$txt['gpdr_profile_username'] = 'Username';
$txt['gpdr_profile_displayname'] = 'Display Name';
$txt['gpdr_profile_email'] = 'Email';
$txt['gpdr_profile_totalposts'] = 'Total Posts';
$txt['gpdr_profile_dateregistered'] = 'Date Registered';
$txt['gpdr_profile_gender'] = 'Gender';
$txt['gpdr_profile_birthdate'] = 'Birth Date';
$txt['gpdr_profile_personaltext'] = 'Personal Text';
$txt['gpdr_profile_websitetitle'] = 'Website';
$txt['gpdr_profile_websiteurl'] = 'Website Url';
$txt['gpdr_profile_signature'] = 'Signature';

$txt['gpdr_txt_message_exportdata']  = 'Beiträge exportieren';

$txt['gpdr_txt_message_exportdata2']  = 'Exportiere von dir erstellte Beiträge. Du kannst maximal 1000 Beiträge auf einmal exportieren. Gib dazu die ID des Start- und des Endbeitrages ein.';

$txt['gpdr_txt_message_startid']  =  'ID des ersten zu exportierenden Beitrages: ';
$txt['gpdr_txt_message_endid']  =  'ID des letzten zu exportierenden Beitrages: ';

$txt['gpdr_txt_message_subject']  = 'Betreff: ';
$txt['gpdr_txt_message_date']  = 'Datum: ';
$txt['gpdr_txt_message_body']  = 'Textkoerper: ';

$txt['gpdr_err_export_msg_limit'] =  'Du hast mehr als 1000 Beiträge ausgewählt. Bitte beschränke dich auf 1000 Beiträge.';

$txt['gpdr_err_no_ssl'] = 'Wir können nicht erkennen, dass du SSL benutzt! Ohne SSL geht es nicht.<br />If you speak english, we provide a service if you need help with SSL visit <a href=",9587.0.html" target="_blank"></a>';
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on May 30, 2018, 02:36:38 pm
Thanks! I am planning a new version
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: blechpirat on May 30, 2018, 03:37:48 pm
Awesome. If you need more translation (I'm kind of an expert for the legal stuff anyway), please contact me.

For others, if you need to use this right now: A dirty hack ist to paste my text into the file into the file gpdr.english.php, replacing the original content.
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: blechpirat on May 30, 2018, 06:24:21 pm
One afterthought...

The link in the footer ist named "Privacy Policy", which seems to be hard coded. Maybe change that so it can be translated?
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on May 30, 2018, 06:32:58 pm
That should be found in modifications.english.php
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: blechpirat on May 31, 2018, 03:49:32 am
That should be found in modifications.english.php


Code: [Select]
// Begin GPDR Helper Text Strings
$txt['gpdr_title'] = 'GDPR Helper';

$txt['gpdr_privacypolicy'] = 'Datenschutzerklärung';
$txt['gpdr_text_settings'] = 'Einstellungen';
$txt['gpdr_txt_exportdata']  = 'Datenexport';

$txt['gpdr_txt_privacy_header'] = 'Datenschutzerklärung/Cookies';
$txt['gpdr_txt_privacy_desc'] = 'Um dir das Forum anbieten zu können, müssen einige Daten von dir erhoben und gespeichert werden. Dazu werden sog. Cookies genutzt, um dich wiederzuerkennen und das Forum auf dich anzupasen. Details entnimm bitte der <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=gpdr;sa=privacypolicy" target="_blank">Datenschutzerklärung</a>';
$txt['gpdr_txt_privacy_agree'] = 'Ich stimme zu und bin mit der Datenschutzerklärung einverstanden';
$txt['gpdr_txt_privacy_fail'] = 'Eine Registrierung ist nur mit einer Zustimmung zu unserer Datenschutzerklärung möglich';

// END GPDR Helper Text Strings
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: Nicole on May 31, 2018, 04:24:48 am

thank you for kindly providing this much needed mod!

Sicne my package manager gave me an error I had to install it manually. However I unfortunately fail at what code I need to run in my PHP MyAdmin field to add these changes:

Code: [Select]
INSERT IGNORE INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value)
('gpdr_last_agreementdate', '" . time() . "'),
('gpdr_last_privacydate', '" . time() . "'),
('gpdr_clear_memberinfo', '1'),
('gpdr_enable_privacy_policy', '1'),
('gpdr_force_privacy_agree', '0'),
('gpdr_force_agreement_agree', '0'),
('gpdr_allow_export_userdata', '1')

My table name is smf_settings

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you,

Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on May 31, 2018, 06:23:58 am
Code: [Select]
INSERT IGNORE INTO smf_settings (variable, value)
('gpdr_last_agreementdate', '" . time() . "'),
('gpdr_last_privacydate', '" . time() . "'),
('gpdr_clear_memberinfo', '1'),
('gpdr_enable_privacy_policy', '1'),
('gpdr_force_privacy_agree', '0'),
('gpdr_force_agreement_agree', '0'),
('gpdr_allow_export_userdata', '1')
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: Nicole on May 31, 2018, 07:17:23 am
Thank you very much!
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on May 31, 2018, 07:25:34 am
In your case actually if sql run
Code: [Select]
INSERT IGNORE INTO smf_settings (variable, value)
('gpdr_last_agreementdate', ''),
('gpdr_last_privacydate', ''),
('gpdr_clear_memberinfo', '1'),
('gpdr_enable_privacy_policy', '1'),
('gpdr_force_privacy_agree', '0'),
('gpdr_force_agreement_agree', '0'),
('gpdr_allow_export_userdata', '1')
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: Nicole on June 01, 2018, 08:39:17 pm
Thank you very much
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: guest3817 on June 02, 2018, 10:17:05 am
Thanks for this. I've just moved to the Pro version which is a great help.
Just noticed one small issue(for me at least) and have one request for a possible improvement.

On the export data window clicking the "export user profile" results in a database error. Additionally the button isn't aligned properly or the expected colour.
"Table 'sisac_smfback.smf_custom_fields' doesn't exist
File: /home/sisac/public_html/forum/Sources/gdpr2.php
Line: 443"
The table is actually sisac_smfback.backup_smfback_custom_fields

See attachment.
When a user deletes their account would it be possible to remind them in to export thier profile/posts. Either as a simple message or by redirecting to the export window.

Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on June 02, 2018, 02:06:53 pm
Thanks changes made and posted
!Fixed exporting custom fields in SMF 2.0.x if you had a different smf database prefix
!Updated some style issues on export page
+Added reminder on deleting account for users to download their data for SMF 2.0.x
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: guest3817 on June 02, 2018, 06:47:37 pm

Thanks for that. Unfortunately I'm getting an error when trying to download this version from my licensed product area.
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on June 02, 2018, 07:17:55 pm
What error?
Did you enter the license key
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: guest3817 on June 02, 2018, 07:31:47 pm
I entered the license key supplied and that page shows that i have a lidence gor the gdpr mod. However when i click on downloads i get a message saying i dont have access to this area.

Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on June 02, 2018, 07:36:14 pm
Try now. I added you to the group
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: guest3817 on June 02, 2018, 07:55:19 pm
The download link on my licenses page now takes me to,9588.0.html . However there is no download link showing in the messages.
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on June 02, 2018, 08:04:23 pm
Sorry had a mistake in the setup you should be able to see the attachment now.
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: guest3817 on June 02, 2018, 08:18:34 pm
Thanks that worked
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: HAL9000 on June 03, 2018, 06:08:25 am
I am using the GDPR Helper for now and my forum uses SimplePortal which provides a Home page so the forum itself is not the first page seen when you visit the site. However, for all members who have agreed the the agreement they can go straight into the forum but if they click the HOME page to take them to the SimplePortal home page, they are shown the Agrreement again and have to click I agree again to see the home page. Guests do not see it.

The forum is at and I can supply a login if you want to see the issue.

I know you can't make the mod 100% compatible with all other mods but I would guess I'm not the only one using SimplePortal this way so it may affect others.

Would the Pro version solve this issue without fixing the helper version?


BTW, this text box (REPLY not Quick reply) seems to be 180 characters wide, it scrolls sideways when typing long lines. Using Chrome on W10. Have to scroll sideways to click POST/PREVIEW.
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: guest3817 on June 03, 2018, 06:42:13 am
I too use Simpleportal and the GDPR mod(Pro) seems to be working as expected.
I am using "Frontpage" mode rather than "Standalone".
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: guest3817 on June 03, 2018, 06:45:24 am

I installed the latest 2.0.1 version. I cant see where the
+Added reminder on deleting account for users to download their data for SMF 2.0.x change takes effect.

The text is in the language file but does not appear on the delete acount page for me.

Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: HAL9000 on June 03, 2018, 07:06:47 am

I installed the latest 2.0.1 version. I cant see where the
+Added reminder on deleting account for users to download their data for SMF 2.0.x change takes effect.

The text is in the language file but does not appear on the delete acount page for me.

This topic is for the free HELPER version, I think you need to repost in the PRO version topic here:,9589.0.html
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: HAL9000 on June 03, 2018, 07:12:07 am
I too use Simpleportal and the GDPR mod(Pro) seems to be working as expected.
I am using "Frontpage" mode rather than "Standalone".
Thanks for that, I need to upgrade Simple Portal to the latest version.
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on June 03, 2018, 08:05:26 am

I installed the latest 2.0.1 version. I cant see where the
+Added reminder on deleting account for users to download their data for SMF 2.0.x change takes effect.

The text is in the language file but does not appear on the delete acount page for me.

Make sure you did a full uninstall then install the new version
$txt['gdpr_remind_exportdata'] = 'Remember you can export you data for your profile by clicking <a href="%link">here</a>';
Should be in your modifications.english.php and you will see that text if not an admin deleting an account.
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on June 03, 2018, 08:24:39 am
I am using the GDPR Helper for now and my forum uses SimplePortal which provides a Home page so the forum itself is not the first page seen when you visit the site. However, for all members who have agreed the the agreement they can go straight into the forum but if they click the HOME page to take them to the SimplePortal home page, they are shown the Agrreement again and have to click I agree again to see the home page. Guests do not see it.

The forum is at and I can supply a login if you want to see the issue.

I know you can't make the mod 100% compatible with all other mods but I would guess I'm not the only one using SimplePortal this way so it may affect others.

Would the Pro version solve this issue without fixing the helper version?


BTW, this text box (REPLY not Quick reply) seems to be 180 characters wide, it scrolls sideways when typing long lines. Using Chrome on W10. Have to scroll sideways to click POST/PREVIEW.
Send me a login via pm and will take a look
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: Black Tiger on June 13, 2018, 11:56:42 am
Another great mod, very usefull, thank you.

I'm just wondering. If already registered users have to accept the policy on introduction or later when changes are made, could their choice made visible in their profile? At least for admins?

At this moment we don't have a clue if and if yes, which users have already clicked the agreement and don't know which choice they made.
Also as a user you can't go and have a look again via your own profile settings. It would be nice to be able to always look what you agreed to. And it would be great if admin could see choices.
Next to that, it would be nice to have an option to not agree (or not agree after changes) in the profile, which provides a link to the "delete account" option when clicked upon.

I don't know if this is a bug or intended, but it looks as if already registered users (present before the policy took place) are able to bypass the confirmation by using direct links to postings. I don't know if that can be prevented or if that is an issue.

Is this mod also presented to the SMF mod section? Or not? Because I don't see it there, but there is a (wrong) link in the xml file. Or is it still in moderation queue? If not, why not? ;)
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on June 13, 2018, 03:40:08 pm
Code: [Select]

I'm just wondering. If already registered users have to accept the policy on introduction or later when changes are made, could their choice made visible in their profile? At least for admins?
In this version they are forced to accept or decline and our logged out.
In the pro version they can accept, or decline and stlil make changes to their profile/export posts

The mod is in SMF's section.

Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: Black Tiger on June 13, 2018, 04:05:32 pm
Thank you for the quick answer.

The mod is in SMF's section.
Yep, found it. Stupid me did a search for GPDR instead of GDPR. :D

The wrong link was in a custom dutch translation I downloaded, so nothing wrong there either.

In this version they are forced to accept or decline and our logged out.
Yes, but at this moment we as admin if we look at a users account, we can't see if he already accepted the policy or not.
It would be nice if it was possible to see it in their profile, would also be an extra proove that they accepted. Wouldn't this be a nice feature for a future version?

Another question. This mod can modify the users name in postings when they remove their account.
How is their name changed?
Are all users who leave changed to guest or anonymous? Or is it like anonymous-1 and for another user anonymous-2 or what will the usernames become after they are changed?
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on June 13, 2018, 04:11:14 pm
Yes, but at this moment we as admin if we look at a users account, we can't see if he already accepted the policy or not.
It would be nice if it was possible to see it in their profile, would also be an extra proove that they accepted. Wouldn't this be a nice feature for a future version?
I have that in pro version of this mod. Appears in the profile for admins to see privacy policy date and terms of registration date.

Right now when deleting a member it is guest#### memberid
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: Nicole on May 26, 2023, 11:16:13 am
Hello, I have installed this mod but I am having an issue: There is not any kind of button displayed on the privacy page that they need to agree to. Hence ebverybody is stuck there not being able to agree to it.
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on May 26, 2023, 02:32:29 pm
What SMF version?
Is this on the agree page?

On registration there should be a checkbox to agree  to terms
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: Nicole on May 27, 2023, 09:10:06 am
It is at action=agreement;sa=policy

SMF 2.0.17

This is what it looks like. I see no button where the user can agree so they are stuck on that page.
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on May 27, 2023, 10:04:08 am
That page is not from the GDPR Helper though.. That is SMF's built in version

This site the url is;sa=privacypolicy
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: Nicole on May 27, 2023, 01:47:51 pm
I see. I had thought that the helper had modified it.
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on May 27, 2023, 01:50:14 pm
I would use either one system or the other but not both.
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: Nicole on May 28, 2023, 08:19:41 am
Thanks for your heads up. I am somewhat puzzled now as to why I am using both systems? BUt foremost I am puzzled why there is no button. I can not remember having modified this file. Do you have any advice on what setting to look for or disable? Regards
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on May 28, 2023, 10:07:35 am
Admin -> registration -> Settings
Uncheck -> Require new members to accept the privacy policy

Could be if for some reason the theme has it's own custom template for the agreement page? that isn't updated with the new code
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: Nicole on May 28, 2023, 08:00:31 pm
Well, the probkem is that the GDPR Mod does mark these fields as selected, making it however impossible to unselect them anymore as long as the mod is installed. I think I will make the file edits to undo this.

Do you maybe have a suggestion please what code should be there for the submit button on the privacy page? Thank you
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on May 28, 2023, 08:09:44 pm
That's strange I don't the mod disables those fields.
Does everything work if you disable GDPR Helper?
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on May 28, 2023, 09:42:29 pm
Did you have this mode
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: Nicole on May 28, 2023, 09:53:23 pm
Hello, I did find the cluprit for the missing buttons. It is the Agreement View Mod which replaced the agreement.template.php and agreement.php files with basically empty ones. A very poor mod that should be removed.

However looking at the GDPR code I think it makes the mentioned checkbox fields checked by default and uncheckable.
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: Nicole on May 28, 2023, 09:54:57 pm
This link is not working anymore?

However if it was for the View Agreement mod then yes.

After its deinstallation I do still have the checkboxes checked without being ablke to uncheck them. The above mod did not touch this code
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on May 28, 2023, 09:56:50 pm
Ah yes, when you report a mod I think it disables it.
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: Nicole on May 28, 2023, 10:14:45 pm
Can you confirm wheter the GDPR mod does make the changes to the checkboxes? I looked at the code and think they result from the mod. It is correct that those checkboxes need to be checked for compliance. Still it would be nice if the admin could do this himself.
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: SMFHacks on May 29, 2023, 08:17:52 pm
It does not make any changes when I looked over gpdr2.xml
Title: Re: [Mod]GDPR Helper
Post by: Nicole on May 29, 2023, 11:58:49 pm
Thank you for letting me know