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Messages - SMFHacks

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 947
Support / Re: How to move SMF to new server
« on: January 21, 2025, 08:45:53 pm »
Best place to ask would be on  SMF's website https://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?board=254.0

Looks like I had a typo

Upload  attached to root of your forum and run it.

Attached edited ezblock page. Requires ezPortal 5.5.4

If not check ezBlock Manager -> Installed ezBlocks

And let us know the SMF Gallery block versions.

Make sure EzPortalInstall2.php is run to install to update blocked.

It is when you edit the block there is an option to change.

+Added media type to SMF Gallery blocks if you are using SMF Gallery Pro. Allows you to select pictures or audio/video files or both to show

Support / Re: Figuring out settings
« on: January 12, 2025, 04:56:14 pm »
Thanks for headsup.

I edited Gallery2.php function CreateThumbnail

Code: [Select]
// don't resize just copy the file
if ($width > $sizes[0] && $height > $sizes[1])
copy($filename,$filename . '_thumb');
return true;

Bugs / Re: Filesizes incorrect
« on: January 12, 2025, 02:02:47 pm »
Old files would have to be reuploaded unfortunately. But new ones going forward would be ok. Or a script would have to be written to loop though each item and update filesize

Bugs / Re: Filesizes incorrect
« on: January 12, 2025, 01:35:08 pm »
!Fixed filesize for uploaded audio/video files
+Added webp support for audio/video thumbnails

Support / Re: Figuring out settings
« on: January 12, 2025, 11:45:48 am »
Posted and update that should help
+Webp thumbnail support added for SMF 2.0.x and SMF 2.1.x
!Don't resize image if smaller than the height/width of the image

Support / Re: Figuring out settings
« on: January 12, 2025, 10:17:21 am »
webp coming to 2.1 eventually https://github.com/Sesquipedalian/SMF/commit/33f1686f992315e2a2cc0818cb87c5147c057ac5

But can backport to smf 2.0.x

Support / Re: Figuring out settings
« on: January 11, 2025, 09:46:10 am »
1. Shouldn't do that but will double check.

2. Webp images thumbnails have to look into either change resizeImageFile in SMF to support it or make a new version of that function and use in the gallery.

I did have a fork called ezforum.com the idea was to include the fixes/back port changes in 2.0.x and include some major free mods built in. Again not enough interest/time to market. And forum market smaller. All this is just a hobby for me. I manage/run other companies so not a ton of time.

Support / Re: Figuring out settings
« on: January 09, 2025, 08:42:45 pm »
Glad you have it working.

I will say my code is old school. It is mostly just if/loops and basic php functions with MySQL statements. I hardly ever use more advanced language features as it just makes code harder to maintain. Mainly between new PHP versions when features are changed/removed.

It is harder than ever to keep modern scripts going: with composer, OOP, it is way easier to keep an older script. There is just so many more components and things to know.

I try to keep things easy few files. I do my php development in PHP Storm. And I honestly do agree with on maintaining old then starting from scratch again, hard when you have a custom site with many features, a custom theme etc.  I do not see myself doing much with SMF 3.0 just don't have energy to rewrite everything for not much gain/killer new feature.

I still have phpbb2 sites running, SMF 1.1.x on PHP 8.1

Support / Re: Figuring out settings
« on: January 09, 2025, 08:13:37 pm »
For the 413 error its an nginx config issue you have edit the config client_max_body_size


The bulk uploader should upload should automaticlly upload the files after selected. It should upload then place them in the category.

Support / Re: Figuring out settings
« on: January 08, 2025, 05:13:27 pm »

The main page of the gallery should be an overview of recently uploaded images
Admin -> Gallery Configuration -> Settings -> Layout ->
Then check "Show the most recent items on the main page"

    On the left there should be a categories list (This I think can be done by modding the Gallery2.template.php)
For SMF 2.1 it would be the Gallery2.1.template.php and for both would be in function template_mainview() function

    When you click someones name, it should take you to a page that shows all of their recent uploads, and the categorizes on the left should show only the categorizes they have uploaded too, along with their personal categorizes.
That would be editing function template_myimages()

    When someone uploads, it should be added into a predefined public category AND into a user category if they have one. (This is the part that's confusing me, Gallery Pro is just creating duplicate images instead of assigning them to multiple categories) - so I need multiple category support per image.

The biggest issue I'm having is that Gallery Pro seems to be treating personal galleries and general categories as totally separate galleries, when I want them to act more like filters or tags.
In your case I would disable personal galleries under membergroup permissions and gallery settings. Personal galleries allow a user to create their own mini gallery where they can create their own categories and organize items.

Instead I think you should just create top level/main gallery categories

I would also like to disable the entire Approval system; its not needed for me.
That can be done with permissions under each membergroup set the  membergroup to autoapprove gallery items/comments

Replied to PM.
Just want to ask is it for "SMF Gallery Random Image" ezblock or "SMF Gallery ezBlock" as they are both different.

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 947

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Ability to exclude categories from ezPortal SMF Gallery random image ezblock by Alistair
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How to move SMF to new server by SMFHacks
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Figuring out settings by SMFHacks
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Filesizes incorrect by SMFHacks
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