Putting this up as on my gallery pro (latest version) I have never been able to make the categories arrange themselves alphabetically.
It's probably something really basic. I mean I can see the reorder column and move things up and down, but when I make a category eg. Dragonball Z in an anime image board. It is at the bottom (everything gets arranged by date so new comes last, unless I move them arround) and considering there's 100s of anime, to move Dragonball Z up one click and refresh at a time, is lame, until I get to the other "D" anime's (That could be 50 up and refreshes --.-- ) So I'm sure there's some setting I haven't worked out.
Would really appreciate the help.
I couldn't find any other request for help for this same thing, probably because it's that obvious.
lol but anyway. How do you arrange your categories and sub categories in A,B,C.. order. So in the gallery people can easily find what they're looking for.
I was used to using proboards prior and I could just click where I wanted my board and it'd move itself there, or you could pick before this board or after this board etc. So it was easy while creating the boards to have them exactly where you wanted them. Just having the parent board for me it's dumping the new board at the end on creation.
All advice appreciated