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Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 19
News / December 2024 Sale!
« on: December 02, 2024, 10:30:38 pm »
Announcing our December 2024 Sale!

The following products are on sale:
Ad Seller Pro Now $25 was $45
Download System Pro Now $35 was $65
SMF Classifieds Now $65 was $35
SMF Store Now $45 was $89

Community Suite is $150 for all the products listed on this site.

Current planned new feature update cycle is for the following: SMF Classifieds, Newsletter Pro, AdSeller Pro and Downloads Pro.

As a reminder, previous purchasers you can always renew your license for a small renewal fee to get updates to the latest version of the software by going to the Licenses area on our website.

Latest Mods / [Mod]Tenor Posting Animated Gifs
« on: August 30, 2024, 04:04:26 pm »
Tenor Posting Animated Gifs


Adds a fun way to search for animated gifs in the message editor for user posts powered by Tenor!

Please get your own API key at https://tenor.com/gifapi/documentation#quickstart  follow the google console links
This is was made since Giphy API is going paid at a very high price.

News / SMF Store 5.0 Released!
« on: August 07, 2024, 11:04:43 pm »
We are proud to announce the release SMF Store 5.0 made for SMF 2.1.x and SMF 2.0.x
Main updates include two new payment processor options. Stripe which can take credit cards as an alternative to PayPal and Coinbase Commerce which can take Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more!
We also added drag and drop picture option when adding pictures to a product.  Numerous other fixes and improvements such an indicator of the number of items in the shopping car now and more!

For complete details on the changes read the changelog below.

Version 5.0
+New payment processor option Stripe processor support for items and checkout. (Doesn't work with subscription items)
+New payment processor option Coinbase commerce option to buy with cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, DAI, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, or USD Coin)  (Doesn't work with subscription items)
!Critical fix for SMF 2.1.x for processing payments fixed handling of ip's since 2.1 changed them to binary for transactions
+Drag and Drop picture uploader support via DropZone to add multiple pictures easier
+Shopping cart button will now indicate how many items you have in the cart.
+Added option to search multiple categories by selecting/unselecting categories on the search page
+ST Shop money now supported in addition to normal SMF Shop.
!Changed AddThis to AddToAny share script
!Hash check for free items better
!Free items now get store keeper purchase email and store admins as well.
!Removed forum title from page titles in store possible SEO improvement
!Restrict picture upload fields to image file extensions ".gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .webp, .tiff, .bmp"
!Makes sure email is valid format on send to friend.

For more information on SMF Store visit

Existing active customers can download from

If you need to renew your license. The renewal page is found at:

Announcements / SMF Gallery Pro 10.0 - Released!
« on: July 21, 2024, 11:18:35 am »
We are proud to announce the release SMF Gallery Pro 10.0! Made for SMF 2.1.x and SMF 2.0.x
Main highlights: Major updates to User Galleries: New private access request option for private galleries Users can request access to a gallery and leave an optional comment,  bulk actions for user galleries, gallery titles on userlist, along with last post and more.
Member's name is now linked to their My Images section instead of their profile in the gallery which makes for a better experience.
For SMF 2.1 have included four SMF Gallery Pro addons into the core, uses hooks so no extra edits required.
Numerous other improvements from SEO, search, bug fixes, feature additions (custom gallery title, menu title) and more! detailed below.

For complete details on the changes read the changelog below.

+Private Galleries now have a request access option that private gallery owners can now request. Users can request access to a gallery and leave an optional comment. The user gallery admin can then view requests and approve or reject.
+Changed that the persons name links to their myimages section instead of their main profile.
+Private members list for user galleries is now in its own section with pagination
+Added bulk actions inside a user gallery, such as moving pictures to another category, deleting images by checking off media inside the category.
+Added optional notifications via pm when adding a member to a private gallery
+Added pm notifications on when a gallery item is approved if it is unapproved.
+Added recent profile images in user's SMF's profiles on SMF 2.1.x only uses hooks
+Added recent items on board index under recent posts on SMF 2.1.x only uses hooks
+Added recent items on overall header on SMF 2.1.x only uses hooks
+Added setting under Layout Settings to hide rotate image by degrees on add/edit item pages.
+Added preset image rotation option for rotate image 90 degrees, 180 degrees and 270 instead of just number which is more user friendly.
+Added option to search multiple categories by selecting/unselecting categories on the search page
+Added setting to set custom gallery title and menu title from the gallery itself under Layout Settings instead of editing language strings. SMF 2.1
+Added setting to Allow rating your own gallery items
+Added for gallery admins on add picture/add video page a checkbox for Approved  you can check and uncheck to make the item approved or unapproved.
+Added search term on search results page
+Added latest post column on the user gallery list page.
+Added user gallery title on user list page above member name if the user added a custom gallery title
+Added database indexes to gallery_userprivate table
+Delete members pictures/data option when user deleted on SMF 2.1.x only uses hooks
+ST Shop money now supported in addition to normal SMF Shop.
+Better seo titles, descriptions on categories. Fixed SEO meta tags in SMF 2.1 to override the default SMF ones.
!Speed improvement for handling unviewed images using a new compound index
!Fixed searching results for more than one page was displaying incorrect data if options on advanced search were uncheck
!Better/friendly image filenames when files uploaded
!Replaced AddThis with AddToAny
!Text changes pictures to items/item to be more unified for more than just pictures.
+Improved report comment page to show comment/poster detail and improved the report picture/item page
!Fixed on edit video page changing category loads custom fields
!More security checks for items in certain cases that could be visible for private/disallow categories.
!Fixed showing of private gallery items in areas of the gallery if given access. They should now appear correctly in search, myimages,unviewed, listall, and index page blocks
!Clicking search inside a normal category now defaults that category as being selected on the search page
!Added Badge awards checks on the addvideo page if you have that modification installed.
!Fix display of multi bulk uploader when using custom fields
!Improved upload fields to restrict to image types needed.
!Removed forum name from page titles possible SEO improvement

For more information on SMF Gallery Pro visit

Existing active customers can download from

If you need to renew your license. The renewal page is found at:

Latest Mods / [Mod]ListUnsubscribePost Email
« on: December 16, 2023, 06:23:09 pm »
ListUnsubscribePost Email


For SMF 2.1.x and SMF 2.0.x

Adds List-Unsubscribe
List-Unsubscribe-Post: List-Unsubscribe=One-Click
Feedback-ID header for gmail

Install Information:
Install via the SMF's Package Manager via upload package.

News / SMFHacks Black Friday Sale 2023!
« on: November 19, 2023, 12:05:51 pm »
SMFHacks Black Friday Sale! This our first sale in three years and we are discounting our various products which include:

Community Suite was $200 now only $125 - Over $500 value. Includes all our software such as AdSeller Pro, SMF Gallery Pro, Download System Pro, SMF Classifieds, SMF Store and more!

Other items on sale:

SMF Gallery Pro was $49 now only $30

SMF Store was $89 now $40!  Over 50% off

SMF Classifieds was $79 now only $40 Over 50% off

Download System Pro was $65 now $35

AdSeller Pro was $50 now only $25 which is 50% off

Pretty Urls SEO Pro was $29.99 now $15

All of products are updated for SMF 2.1 and support modern PHP versions.

As a reminder, previous purchasers you can always renew your license to get updates to the latest version of the software.

These offers are for a limited time!

Latest Mods / [Mod]Pretty Urls
« on: July 26, 2022, 06:47:06 pm »
Pretty Urls


Pretty Urls

Pretty URLs is a URL management package for Simple Machine Forums (SMF).

It is simple, powerful, extensible and free. Most of all, it is pretty! Its main purpose is to rewrite the important SMF URLs, like these:


Pretty URLs will work with SMF 2.1.x, SMF 2.0x, SMF 1.1.x It requires an Apache webserver with support for mod_rewrite and .htaccess files.

Latest Mods / [Mod]Modification Update Version Checker
« on: May 27, 2022, 10:53:23 pm »
Modification Update Version Checker


Modification Update Version Checker
By: vbgamer45

Mod Information:
For SMF 2.1.x, SMF 2.0.x

Adds a system to auto check for updates for modifications that are installed from simplemachines.org mod site.  Display latest updates for mods in the admin dashboard, and browse packages page.
Updates can be run manually via the Check for Modifications Update button in the browse packages area or automatically via the scheduled task that runs once a day by default.

News / Awesome Post Ratings 2.0 released
« on: March 13, 2022, 12:34:51 pm »
We are happy to announce the new release of Awesome Post Ratings 2.0. This release contains some major feature improvements to system. Including a new react to view post content feature. Which allows content to be hidden unless a person viewing the post reacts to the content. Adds a button to the editor along with a new bbc tag [react] which can be used to hide content.  We have also done major updates for SMF 2.1 which include using SMF's built in alert system to notify a person when their content is reacted. A user can also change their alert preferences for the reactions in their profile.

Awesome Post Ratings is for SMF 2.1.x and SMF 2.0.x
For more information on Awesome Post Ratings visit the product page https://www.smfhacks.com/awesomepostratings.php

+New feature react in order to reveal post contents. Content can be hidden using the [react] tag and a button is added to the editor.
+Added support for SMF 2.1 alert system to notify via alerts when a reaction occurs. Users can change their alert preferences under their profile.
+Added setting to hide/show the reaction name when a reaction is rated/displayed in a post.
+Added setting for reaction spacing
+Added setting option to disable undo ratings option
+Added Stats section under ?action=stats for SMF 2.1 Only
!Change on view ratings popup for style

News / SMF 2.1 Final Released
« on: February 09, 2022, 01:37:04 pm »
SMF 2.1 has been released!
SMFHacks has updated all it's core products to support SMF 2.1 and will be updating our other modifications as well!

Notable changes in 2.1

The changes between SMF 2.0.x and SMF 2.1 are too many to count, but here are a few highlights:

    New features for users
        A new WYSIWYG editor, SCEditor
        Real-time alerts in addition to email notifications
        A new default theme with full support for mobile devices
        Draft messages (you can save & resume later)
        Mentions using @name syntax
        Drag & drop attachments
        Attachments can be embedded directly into post text
    New features for moderators and administrators
        An improved Administrator Control Panel
        Support for moderator groups, not just individuals
        Many security enhancements, including support for optional Two Factor Authentication
        IPv6 support
        Designed with GDPR support
    New features for modification and theme authors
        A massive expansion of the number of integration hooks available
        More powerful BBCode possibilities
        Background tasks
        New capabilities in the Package SDK


News / Now accepting Cryptocurrency
« on: November 05, 2021, 05:33:27 pm »
Now accepting Cryptocurrency have setup buy now buttons for the following AdSeller Pro, Downloads System Pro, SMF Gallery, SMF Classifieds, SMF Store, and Community Suite


News / Downloads Pro 6.0 Released
« on: November 02, 2021, 02:28:36 pm »
We are excited to release Downloads Pro 6.0. This is a major update with some big new features including: A new payment processor option using Coinbase Commerce to accept cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin.  In addition, we also added Amazon S3 support for file uploads in the downloads section which can free up space and increase speed by using Amazon S3 instead for storage. Also, a new upload system on add download with dropzone with drag and drop file support. Numerous other additions such as license agreement option and more! Detailed below in the changelog.

Complete Changelog
+Amazon S3 support for file uploads to the downloads section. Download files can now be copied to S3. Have options to delete the original file once copied to S3 to save on storage. Works via a cron job to sync uploaded files and past uploads. SMF 2.0/2.1.X
+New payment processor option Coinbase commerce option to buy credits with crypto currency ( Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, DAI, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, or USD Coin) SMF 2.0/2.1.X
+New file upload system  on the Add Download page for the main download. Using Dropzone with a better progress bar and drag and drop support. This is optional you can toggle on/off under settings SMF 2.0/2.1.X
+Added a license option when downloading a file. If a license is used, a user must agree to license before a file is downloaded. SMF 2.0/2.1.X
+Added more indexes to table columns to make better performance on large sites.
+Added link to buy credits on error message when out of credits when downloading or viewing a download page.
+Added on download display the current amount of credits a user has.
+Quick reply now shows the full message editor with BBC and Smileys.
!Improved the handling of deleting a downloads item topic. Will only delete the topic if it is the first post.  Handles and stores the post msg_id SMF 2.0.x and SMF 2.1
!Approve link shown now instead of unapprove on view download page if not approved yet.
!Fixed redirect on custom global field edit
!Update manage categories redirect to be in admin area.
!Cleaned up stats page display for SMF 2.1.x
!Fix rating display for 4/5 stars for SMF 2.1.x
!Allow searches of three characters
!Fixed missing IPN file for paypal on install/upgrade for SMF 2.1.x
!Fixed wrong url on batch add ftp page
!Fix thumbnail/medium size. If image is smaller than the resize option don't resize it.

For more information on Downloads Pro visit https://www.smfhacks.com/download-system-pro.php

Current active license owners and community suite customers can download the newest release from: https://www.smfhacks.com/index.php/topic,3489.0.html

News / S3 System For SMF Attachments
« on: September 21, 2021, 11:17:11 am »
Introducing S3 System For SMF. What is it? S3 System for SMF adds Amazon's S3 support for the attachment system SMF for storing and displaying attachments. Useful for forums with large number of attachments and can save money on hosting/hosting resources by using Amazon's S3

Supports SMF 2.1.x (MySQL), SMF 2.0.x (MySQL)


    Stores your forums attachments and attachments thumbnails on Amazon S3
    Files are stored securely on Amazon S3 with a private ACL
    File links are only valid for one hour via a signed link
    Attachments that are deleted are also deleted on S3 if they are linked
    Sync system to automatically copy existing attachments to your S3 Bucket via a cron job.
    S3 Indicator in attachments section in SMF
    And more!

For more information on S3 System For SMF visit https://www.smfhacks.com/s3systemforsmf.php

This package is also included in our Community Suite product at no extra cost! Another reason to grab it if you have not already.

News / Emoji Pro 2.0 released now for SMF 2.1
« on: September 13, 2021, 03:40:30 pm »
We have just released Emoji Pro 2.0 which i a emoji system with over 1600 emoji's with groupings that can be added to your posts.

This new release now supports SMF 2.1 which using SCEditor. Adds an emoji icon to the toolbar. Works in both WYSIWYG mode and source mode.

Have also improved the loading speed for SMF 2.0.x version which uses CSS sprites to load the images instead of loading each image one at a time.

For more information on Emoji Pro visit https://www.smfhacks.com/emojipro.php

Existing active Emoji Pro and Community Suite license members can download the latest version of Emoji Pro from the download forum for Emoji Pro

Announcements / SMF Gallery Pro 9.0 - Released
« on: August 21, 2021, 01:23:54 pm »
We are proud to announce the release SMF Gallery Pro 9.0! Works for SMF 2.0.x SMF 2.1.x and SMF 1.1.x.
Main highlights: NEW image editor allows Crop, Draw, Filter, Transform images and much more!. New category level setting to control if you want the thumbnail images to be either, thumbnail, medium sized or full sized images. Support for PHP 7.4+, updates to look and feel for SMF 2.1.x, Bug fixes, performance and other general improvements.

For complete details on the changes read the changelog below.

+New image editor addon. Crop, Draw, Filter, Transform images and much more! For SMF 2.0.x and SMF 2.1
+Custom fields now show on bulk upload page. SMF 2.0.x and SMF 2.1
+Look and feel updates for SMF 2.1.x
!Fixes for PHP 7.4+
!Error message now displayed for failed multibulk upload pictures. SMF 2.0.x and SMF 2.1
!Fixed .bmp thumbnail generation requires full uninstall then reinstall
+The gallery now stores the original filename of the uploaded file in the database and uses it when an item is downloaded. For SMF 2.0.x and SMF 2.1
+Added setting add/edit category to choose on category listing to show either thumbnail (by default), medium size, or full size media. For SMF 2.0.x and SMF 2.1
+Added auto rotation based on EXIF settings. If EXIF is enabled.
!Fix performance for recent comments block added index for large galleries
!Fixed a SQL error bug deleting a comment from the moderation section
+Searching now allows three character searching instead of greater than three
!Improved the handling of deleting a gallery item topic. Will only delete the topic if it is the first post.  Handles and stores the post msg_id SMF 2.0.x and SMF 2.1
!Fixed bulk picture select redirect for members with personal gallery permission disabled.
!Trim audio/video url if spaces on end when adding/editing linked video/audio media
!Fixed bug where search results could expose private/password protected media
!Fixed changing category on add/edit video/audio with custom fields now forces a reload with the custom fields displayed. SMF 2.0.x and SMF 2.1
+Updated latest autoembed media sites

Changes since 8.0 release.
!Fixed move picture to different category dropdown on category display.
!Fixed bug in some cases not allowing a single file to be uploaded.
+Improved watermark handling keeping original files.
!Must Update. Fix security issue with Local/Remote FLV fusing player_flv_maxi.swf FLV Player.
Have removed the option to play FLV videos. Make sure this file is removed gallery/videos/player_flv_maxi.swf from your forum
!Fixed bulk add link for user galleries when using the main menu
!Removed aviary settings since Adobe ended the product
!Fixed undefined gallery_picture_id on who favorited page for SMF 2.1.x
!Fixed undefined issue send pm online/offline buttons for SMF 2.1.x
!Fixed top button add picture select user gallery feature not working on some cases
!Fixed on add picture error for user gallery to keep user categories loaded in SMF 2.0.x
!Email notifications now add message-id header for SMF 2.0.x
!When getting the tinypic url check that allow_fopen is enabled
!Do not allow downloads of linked video files
!Mootools for image box is now supported over https://
!Avairy image affects script now supported over https://
!Fixed bug with rebuilding related index with 's characters in the title

For more information on SMF Gallery Pro visit

Existing active customers can download from

If you need to renew your license. The renewal page is found at:

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 19

+- Recent Topics

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