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Topics - thaiauto

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Can SMFHacks make "Service booking mod"
« on: November 06, 2011, 11:18:13 pm »
I have the SMF installed for the car club, and I have one idea that I think it is not useful only me but it will useful for many sites. There are a lot of car clubs using SMF.

- Allow member to book the time of another person (who defined as Provider member group). Member fill-in the booking form, submit, then the new topic post to the target board.
- Notify to provider when there is the new request
- Provider can response "Confirm (with comment)" or "Decline (with comment)"
- If decline, the the topic is locked.
- If confirm, the requester will be notified, the event "Service:" add to calendar to show every one same as what SMF is showing for birthday
- After confirm, provider will see following buttons to press as reply of the topic; Check-in, 25% progress, 50% progress, 75% progress, 100% progress, Cleaning, Completed. Each click will add new picture to the reply
- Once the Completed is post -> Requester is notified
- Once completed, requester will see following buttons to click and submit; feedback 1, feed back 2, feedback 3, etc... each feedback item has the radio buttons as choices.

- Admin can define the description of feedback item, can delete the topic
- Admin can set the permission who can (create, view, delete, lock) the post
- Admin can fill-in target board' ID to use forum message board as service booking list
- Admin configure the picture for Check-in, 25%, 50%...., Completed (similar to emotion icons)
- Admin can config how the topic's title will displayed in the message list. (similar to customs form mod does)

Pleas let me know if you intend to do, I would like to make it happens even share the cost with you.

Best regards,

Pages: [1]

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