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Topics - fmofmpls

Pages: [1]
Support / Please Help!
« on: April 16, 2024, 01:47:09 pm »
Hello. I successfully uploaded the recent version of SMF Gallery Pro back into my forum after a recent upgrade to SMF 2.1.4. What I noticed after renewing SMF Gallery Pro was that all of the previous photo albums titles and folders text showed up but the images themselves are not showing. All of the gallery albums and content are still inside a folder located inside my file manager in a folder named - forum/mgal_data/albums/ folder

How do I successfully migrate all of those pics back into to their respective folders within SMF Gallery Pro?

Thank you!

Support / Gallery Button Not showing?
« on: November 25, 2008, 10:14:00 am »
Hello. I have upgraded both my SMF software( 1.1.7) and Gallery Pro (1.4.5).

My question is how do I get a button for the Gallery to show on my themes? I'm using the SMF multi-color default themes. I thought the Gallery button would automatically install itself on default themes?

Help is greatly appreciated! 

Support / Importing pics from web site?
« on: December 10, 2007, 11:28:29 am »
Hello. I just purchased Gallery Pro and need some help (or answers). The install appears to have gone fine. My questions is this:

Is there anyway to upload (or import) pics from a web site .. or in this case a Yahoo Group? I have over a thousand photos at my old forum that I would like to take with me to my new SMF forum. How can this be done without having to "right click save as" on every image? Could take a lifetime to do that way!


Latest Mods / Global Headers and Footers
« on: November 06, 2007, 10:33:25 am »
Hello. Is there any way to have different headers and footers for each board as opposed to being stuck with the same for all pages? I know the mod itself doesn't allow for separate headers and footers, but can this be bypassed by a manual template modification or even some HTML code?

Thanks for the help!

Pages: [1]

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