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Messages - landyvlad

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Support / Re: Uninstall issue and new licence no email
« on: August 16, 2024, 08:05:48 am »
2. OK thanks

1. Installed 10 over 9 as suggested and works.
I'll keep an eye out to confirm errors stop.

Support / Re: multiple Undefined array key errors
« on: August 16, 2024, 08:05:28 am »
Installed 10 over 9 as suggested and works.
I'll keep an eye out to confirm errors stop.

Support / Uninstall issue and new licence no email
« on: August 13, 2024, 09:39:23 am »
I just purchased SMF Gallery pro v10 (my licence had expired I have 9.0.8 on there at the moment which was installed Wednesday, 30 August 2023.

So, as you do, I went to uninstall the existing one prior to installing the new one.

Well, it's not happy...
[ Guests cannot view attachments ]

I am wondering if this may be connected to the issues I raised in the thread here:

How would I best attack this?

I purchased the Pro 10 version and have been able to download the file BUT have not received any email with a licence key. Or am I reading that wrong and a key is required only for the extra $ for copyright removal?
(I didn't purchase that as I don't need that - happy to have copyright on there)

Support / multiple Undefined array key errors
« on: August 13, 2024, 09:32:22 am »
I have 9.0.8 installed currently.

I just saw my error log has a LOT (100s of errors) from today and most are SMF gallery related:

Code: [Select]
 /home2/gsxowner/public_html/forum/Sources/ManagePermissions.php (Line 1681)  Backtrace information

Type of error: Undefined
Error messageSelect
2: Undefined array key "permissionname_smfgallery_manage"

 Today at 12:26 PM
 /home2/gsxowner/public_html/forum/Sources/ManagePermissions.php (Line 1681)  Backtrace information

Type of error: Undefined
Error messageSelect
2: Undefined array key "permissionname_smfgallery_usergallery"

 Today at 12:26 PM
 /home2/gsxowner/public_html/forum/Sources/ManagePermissions.php (Line 1681)  Backtrace information

Type of error: Undefined
Error messageSelect
2: Undefined array key "permissionname_smfgallery_autoapprove"

 Today at 12:26 PM
 /home2/gsxowner/public_html/forum/Sources/ManagePermissions.php (Line 1681)  Backtrace information

Type of error: Undefined
Error messageSelect
2: Undefined array key "permissionname_smfgallery_autocomment"

 Today at 12:26 PM
 /home2/gsxowner/public_html/forum/Sources/ManagePermissions.php (Line 1681)  Backtrace information

Type of error: Undefined
Error messageSelect
2: Undefined array key "permissionname_smfgallery_report"

 Today at 12:26 PM
 /home2/gsxowner/public_html/forum/Sources/ManagePermissions.php (Line 1681)  Backtrace information

Type of error: Undefined
Error messageSelect
2: Undefined array key "permissionname_smfgallery_editcomment"

 Today at 12:26 PM
 /home2/gsxowner/public_html/forum/Sources/ManagePermissions.php (Line 1681)  Backtrace information

Type of error: Undefined
Error messageSelect
2: Undefined array key "permissionname_smfgallery_comment"

 Today at 12:26 PM
 /home2/gsxowner/public_html/forum/Sources/ManagePermissions.php (Line 1681)  Backtrace information

Type of error: Undefined
Error messageSelect
2: Undefined array key "permissionname_smfgallery_ratepic"

 Today at 12:26 PM
 /home2/gsxowner/public_html/forum/Sources/ManagePermissions.php (Line 1681)  Backtrace information

Type of error: Undefined
Error messageSelect
2: Undefined array key "permissionname_smfgallery_delete"

 Today at 12:26 PM
 /home2/gsxowner/public_html/forum/Sources/ManagePermissions.php (Line 1681)  Backtrace information

Type of error: Undefined
Error messageSelect
2: Undefined array key "permissionname_smfgallery_edit"

 Today at 12:26 PM
 /home2/gsxowner/public_html/forum/Sources/ManagePermissions.php (Line 1681)  Backtrace information

Type of error: Undefined
Error messageSelect
2: Undefined array key "permissionname_smfgalleryvideo_add"

VladTepes is me, forum admin.

I have not been attempting to use the gallery AT ALL. so these errors are unrelated to actual gallery use, per se.
Can anyone point me in the direction of what on earth might be happening here?

(I suspect this may be causing another issue I'm having which I'll post about in a separate thread soon)

Support / Re: 500 error with gallery.
« on: June 07, 2023, 11:39:41 pm »
AH OK and it has to be a base64 thing I assume.

Anyway seems to be resolved mate thanks for all your help.

Support / code for copy img bbcode link?
« on: June 07, 2023, 11:33:16 pm »
One of the great features of this gallery is the presence of an easy 'click to copy image bbcode' button next to pictures in the gallery.

I would like to implement something similar on one of my sites, any chance of providing the code that does that particular function? 

"No, go away you silly man" is an acceptable answer (but not the preferred one  ;D  )

Support / Re: 500 error with gallery.
« on: June 07, 2023, 11:28:07 pm »
The icons I mean are the custom icons - don't worry about that I'll figure it out.

My host says PHP was throwing a fatal error because the virus scanner quarantined several files.
In any event that seems to be sorted now.

But when you have a chance (not urgent) if you could explain what a base 64 line is, what it does and what would be the impact of removing it?
Code: [Select]

Thank you.

Support / Re: 500 error with gallery.
« on: June 07, 2023, 07:05:15 am »
OK so several hours later it is online again. Some icons missing etc but that can wait).

My host tells me he identified a "PHP Fatal error" and that he has managed to fix that.
I've really no idea what that means and have asked for more details and will pass those on.

For knowledge purposes etc I'd still appreciate answers to the questions in my earlier post.

Support / 500 error with gallery.
« on: June 07, 2023, 03:56:33 am »
The gallery link: https://gsx1400owners.org/forum/index.php?action=gallery
as you can see currently generates a 500 error.


I was getting the 500 error as above and the error log contained:
 (IP address)
 /home/gsxowner/public_html/forum/index.php (Line 455)  Backtrace information

Type of error: General
Error messageSelect
2: require_once(/home/gsxowner/public_html/forum/Sources/Gallery2.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory

One of my fellow admins who's more conversant with the backend side of things, said:
there is a file  called Gallery2.php keeps deleting itself, I have no idea why ???
I keep putting it back, and they gallery works again. but it just goes again.

I realised I was using a previous version of gallery pro so downloaded and installed the latest version (as at the date of this post). This seemed to fix the issue. Briefly.

Presumably this reinstall meant that, once again, there was a Gallery2.php in the directory again but yes, it soon disappeared.

Ultimately tracked this down to
CPGuard is detecting Gallery2.php as possibly malicious because of some base64 string manipulations.
The match is: {HEX}Malware.Expert.php.ini.ini.ini.ini.ini.ini.chmod.base64.decode.base64.decode.php

My host added the file to the whitelist so it's not disappearing any more.
HOWEVER the 500 error persists.

I again checked with my host and they have confirmed
The file is there and permissions all look normal.
I can't see a reason for the error 500 being logged in the domlogs or in the LiteSpeed global log.
Everything looks normal on this end, nothing tripping in Mod_Sec (WAF) either.

So my questions are:
  • What might be causing this error, and how should I proceed to address it?
  • What's a base64 line? Should it be in that file?
  • Is every instance of gallery2.php identical or is it something that changes between installations?
  • What does Gallery2.php actually DO?

It was suggested that (assuming the gallery lite version) I should remove line 384-ish
Code: [Select]
but what does this line do? And what would be the impact of removing it?

I'm unsure whether the same applies to the Pro version so seeking guidance here before I touch anything.

I'd like to extend my appreciation to @vbgamer for his support this far.

Presales for Products / Ad Seller Pro question
« on: September 10, 2021, 07:25:17 am »
Do you have any screenshots of a forum showing examples of the various types of ad actually displaying?

Alternatively a forum you know of, which uses this mod, and browse-able by guests?

Presales for Products / Emoji Pro question
« on: September 10, 2021, 07:22:46 am »
So to clarify what it is - it's basically a big collection of emoji images (aka smileys, aka emoticons), which are separated into tabs.
Is that correct?  If so -

Is it SMF 2.1.x ready?  (I run 2.0.17 at the moment, soon 2.0.18 and later will go to 2.1)
Is the emoji library editable?
-  add and delete emojis?
-  create, add and delete tabs in the emoji list?
-  move emoticons between various tabs?
-  customise the text equivalent for the emoji?
  By which I mean
Code: [Select]
:D for :D
and so on.

Support / Re: Is SMF Gallery Pro SSI still required?
« on: September 10, 2021, 07:08:41 am »
I just found this but it;s still not clear to me:
a) what it does
b) If I need it
c) Why it isn't included in the core product, rather than an add on?

Support / Is SMF Gallery Pro SSI still required?
« on: September 10, 2021, 06:56:46 am »
I've had SMF Gallery Pro installed for quite a while (since 2015 I think?) Anyway back in the day when I installed it I also had to install a mod called "SMF Gallery Pro SSI"

I can't even recall what it did...except that I needed it at the time.
Is that still a thing?
If so when is it needed?
And if I do need it, where do I find it?

I've just renewed my licence, and will be installing Gallery Pro 9.0b

Bugs / Gallery bug in 2.1
« on: March 13, 2019, 05:46:18 am »
my forum,  https://www.droneflightforum.com/index.php?action=gallery

to which I've applied he suggested temporary (clumsy) 'fix', but unsure if working.

described here:  https://www.smfhelper.com/index.php?topic=178.msg1367#msg1367

On another note: You also have image placeholders showing all over your gallery, because the new.gif is missing from,


There is no image folder for english that I know of?

I know Les. But that's where the gallery mod is calling it from. He'll just have to add a folder titled english, and drop the new.gif into it, then it will work..

Or mod the gallery files to suit.

there is an english folder in smf2.0.15 but not 2.1

so perhaps an oversight when making that gallery mod 2.1 compatible?

Support / Re: Bulk upload image problem
« on: February 14, 2019, 11:04:37 pm »
as per attachment above mate. I have tried myself.  It doesn't even get to anywhere that multiple images can be selected for upload

Pages: [1] 2 3 4

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