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Messages - Varlov

Pages: [1]
Support / Member group access to emojis
« on: October 22, 2023, 05:43:35 am »
Is there any option on this mod to let only certain member groups use the emojis? Or is it added to each editor regardless? Thanks in advance for any reply

Support / Re: Miscellaneous errors - don't know why
« on: October 13, 2023, 01:41:51 am »
Omg it appears as though you fixed it. No errors being reported via SMF nor Apache logs. I love you hacks!

Support / Re: Miscellaneous errors - don't know why
« on: October 12, 2023, 03:16:54 pm »
My site is a relatively fresh install. Only a few basic settings have been changed and a few mods added. These errors also occurred after uninstalling all mods and rebuilding settings. I'm running a cPanel LAMP stack with PHP 8.2. I'm not sure if that info helps -- I'm not too well-versed in web development

Support / Re: Miscellaneous errors - don't know why
« on: October 12, 2023, 03:08:49 pm »
Are those errors constantly happening or just one time?
So far 6 times  :)

Support / Miscellaneous errors - don't know why
« on: October 12, 2023, 02:59:26 am »
Hey there! I'm getting the following errors after installing Awesome Post Ratings and I haven't been able to figure out what's causing it. I uninstalled other mods then reinstalled it but it's still happening. Also, I am using the default theme. I would be thankful for any help <3


color=red][REDACTED][/color]/Themes/default/GenericMenu.template.php (Line 87)

2: Undefined array key "title"


[REDACTED]/Sources/AwesomePostRatingsHooks.php (Line 58)

2: Undefined array key "awepost_ratingstypelist"


[REDACTED]/Sources/AwesomePostRatingsHooks.php (Line 57)

2: Undefined array key "awepost_txt_settings"


[REDACTED]/Sources/AwesomePostRatingsHooks.php (Line 51)

2: Undefined array key "awepost_admin"


[REDACTED]/Sources/AwesomePostRatingsHooks.php (Line 47)

2: Undefined array key "awepost_admin"

Modifications Talk / Re: Mods supporting custom themes?
« on: October 02, 2023, 04:06:27 pm »
Ahh okay I see thanks! Do your badge awards, emojis, hashtags, and awesome post ratings mods use only hooks?

Modifications Talk / Mods supporting custom themes?
« on: October 02, 2023, 03:19:00 pm »
What are the chances of these mods working with themes built with bootstrap? I really want to use some of these mods but I need to make sure everything will function together because I give up a bunch of cash  ;) . Thanks for any feedback!

Pages: [1]

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