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Messages - Cmely

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I'm adding my voice to this request. I'll add also the list of all the replies made on a picture they have commented.

You mean like incorporate it in "View new replies to topics I've posted in"?

Yes, this is exactly that ! Thank you for rewording my poor english :D !!!

I'm adding my voice to this request. I'll add also the list of all the replies made on a picture they have commented.

Support / Re: Picture marked as mature still visible in post
« on: May 30, 2014, 10:51:13 am »
And is there any possibility to have this done...or added to you to do list  :) ?

Support / Re: Picture marked as mature still visible in post
« on: May 29, 2014, 04:10:34 pm »
Would require custom to check if it a picture post then not post it.

I'm sorry, I didn't understand  :o ??? Could you precise what you mean ?

Support / Picture marked as mature still visible in post
« on: May 29, 2014, 11:32:02 am »
I don't know if this is a bug, a missing feature or something I'm missing myself, but when a picture is marked as "Mature content", it is still visible in posts (if the option "create a post" is on).
Is there a way to prevent that ?

Bugs / Re: Tags not separated by a comma considered as one
« on: May 16, 2014, 04:29:34 am »
little up  ;D ;)

Bugs / Re: Tags not separated by a comma considered as one
« on: May 12, 2014, 02:44:14 am »
There is no mention that keywords needs to be comma separated (see attachement).

And (at least in photography world) two words tag are an exception, not the rule. Second point, you certainly know also that most part of the time users won't read small letters instructions. So even if the comma separation were mentionned you can be sure that some users would forget to use it.

If you want to use the tag cloud you have to be sure that you can prevent the mistake of forgotten commas. If you don't do that your tag cloud is absolutely unusable. How do you deal with a keyword like that : "sky horse green landscape Island nature" ? I really wonder. And if you have several like that the purpose of Tags is just broken.

For now, on my website, I can't use tag cloud, because ALL my users enter their keywords without commas. And if I can permit to insist on this point, this is the rule in all professionnal photography softwares and websites.

Bugs / Re: Tags not separated by a comma considered as one
« on: May 08, 2014, 03:49:32 am »
Maybe I wasn't clear (I'm not sure even I understand really what I wrote  ;D ??? ;D), so I try to explain it better:

The current behavior for tags is this one :

If I type this in the tag field the following tags : home blue green sky people
The result I get is only one tag : "home blue green sky people". Wich is not good.
I should get : "home" "blue" "green" "sky" "people" (5 differents tags).

What I think is a better behavior :
- home blue green sky people : 5 tags as a results
- home blue, green sky, people : 3 tags as a result ("home blue", "green sky" and "people")

Don't you agree ?

Bugs / Re: Tags not separated by a comma considered as one
« on: May 06, 2014, 03:11:42 pm »
Any comments on this ?  ;)

Would it be possible to use the slideshow view as the default view when clicking on a picture ? and how ?

It is fast to use, easy to navigate from one picture to another. It gives the user a much more friendly experience than clicking on picture one by one.
The only drawback (for now) is that if you want to use it,  you have to :
- select a category
- then click on a picture,
- then click on the "slideshow" button,
- then click again on the picture.

I really wish it could be possible to start it by default as soon as you click on a category or as you click on a picture, with the pause mode 'on' by default.

Bugs / Tags not separated by a comma considered as one
« on: May 02, 2014, 03:11:19 am »
If members enter tags without separating them with a comma, the whole field is considered as one tag, which is not a correct behavior I think.
The default rule here should be, imo, one word = one tag, except if user separate them by a comma.

Bug Reports / Re: Cannot access second page of child buttons
« on: April 05, 2014, 03:52:28 am »
And what about the link issue (acces to the second page of child buttons) ?

Feature Requests / View comments in user profile
« on: March 30, 2014, 12:08:15 pm »
It would be nice to have also the possibility to view the comments an user have made on other user's pictures in its profile (same as Show Post option).
Especially when the option "count comments as post" is checked.

This should be added as an additional link in the "Show Posts" panel (where we already have "Messages", "Topics", "Attachements").

lol I always have high priority for bugs since easier to fix that writing new code/features.

I understand and agree : it's better to have a tool with no bugs rather than always new features but with bugs.
(when you'll have a little bit of time, I'm interested to know what do you think of my suggestion about watermark ?)

Wow !
That was fast !
Thank you ! It works fine !

...and for my watermark request ? is it ready yet ?  :o :o :o
 ;) just kidding...

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