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Topics - ApplianceJunk

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Support / Why such a different location between these two?
« on: September 01, 2011, 10:14:20 pm »
I was just using a image of a google ad until I got the ad placement where I wanted.

Code: [Select]
<br><img src="https://www.google.com/adsense/static/en_US/images/728x15.gif">
I had to use one br to drop the image down just were I wanted it in the center as show in first attachment, adgood..

Then I replaced the ad code with the google adsense script and it drops it way down, as show in the second attachment, adlow...

I have been trying to adjust the google adsense code placement, but don't know if it's possible.

Here is the code as I have it in the index.template.php file.

Code: [Select]
echo '
', empty($settings['site_slogan']) ? '<img id="smflogo" src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/smflogo.png" alt="Simple Machines Forum" title="Simple Machines Forum" />' : '<div id="siteslogan" class="floatright">' . $settings['site_slogan'] . '</div>', '';

// Begin Ad Seller Pro Location - Test Location

global $sourcedir;
include_once $sourcedir . "/adseller2.php";

$adSellerAdData =  ShowAdLocation(1000);

// Check if any ads where found
if ($adSellerAdData != false)
// Dispaly the advertising code
echo $adSellerAdData;

// End Ad Seller Pro Location - Test Location
 echo '

</div> <div id="upper_section" class="middletext">
<div class="user">';

I have tried moving the Ad Seller Pro code around, but just seem to break it everytime I try something different.

Is it just the way it is or can it be adjusted so the google adsense ad displays higher up?


Support / ad locations?
« on: September 01, 2011, 05:24:18 pm »
In the attachment I marked three locations I would like to place ads.

First one is the top of the page between the logo and forum name.
Second one is in the middle, just above the line that goes across the page.
The third is just below that same line, but above the forum links.

Do I need need to create new locations for all three of these places and if so where do I start?


Presales for Products / ad placement in smf 2.0?
« on: August 28, 2011, 06:20:24 pm »

In the attachment i show two place I want to place my google adsense ads in SMF 2.0.

The top rectangle I want to place our 728x15 and in the rectangle area below that I want to place our 728x90.

This would be a very similar location to how we have them placed in our current smf 1.1.14 forum at http://appliancejunk.com

I currently use tiny portal to place them in there current location on our smf 1.1.14 forum.

I have tried your free ad manager mod and your ez portal mod, but had no luck getting the ads placed where i wanted in smf 2.0

Would Ad Seller Pro let me place them in the location I have shown in SMF 2.0?


Support / upgrading SMF 1.1.14 to 2.0 and SMF Download mod?
« on: August 28, 2011, 03:23:41 pm »
When I upgrade appliancejunk.com from SMF 1.1.14 to 2.0 from what I understand I will have to reinstall the SMF download mod.

After I reinstall the SMF download mod for SMF 2.0 will all the .pdf files I have download using SMF 1.1.14 still be there?

Where are the files I upload and link to in SMF download mod stored now?


First is it even possible to convert from IP Downloads to Download System Pro?

This is the site I'm thinking of switching over to SMF.


Here is the IP downloads.


I was thinking of just starting over by installing SMF and manually uploading all the service manual to Download System Pro, but that sounds like a lot of work. :)

If it is possible to convert could you do it for us and if so how much would it cost?

Also can you set daily download limits with DS pro?


I would like to close our SMF store, but I don't want any dead URL's or for people to see Warning messages that they are unable to view the store.

I tried to redirect our store URL in cpanel using "Manage Redirects"


to our new parts store...


But then I end up with other things redirecting to the partsquick site too.

I would like all SMF store URL's to redirect, even to our forum page would be fine.

Any suggestions on how to go about it?


Support / Refunded item, now what?
« on: September 08, 2009, 12:07:45 pm »
I had someone from the UK order a part from our store.

Being we don't ship to the UK I refunded the paypal.

This changed the order payment status to, Refunded.

Even with the payment status changed to refunded the item was still listed at "Items waiting to be shipped:1".

I then went to the order detail page and clicked on compleated, or something like that.

Now the payment status shows "Completed" instead of "Refunded", but it's still shows the item as waiting to be shipped.

What is the correct way to handle items in our store were a refund has been sent?

Support / How can I recreate second site with same downloads?
« on: August 20, 2009, 05:17:17 pm »
I'm building up a download page of appliance repair service manuals at appliancejunk.com


I have a second site I toy around with at http://appliancewiki.com

Can I some how just copy part of the database and some files from appliancejunk.com over to appliancewiki.com to create the exact same download section?

Support / An Error Has Occurred! A file title is required
« on: August 14, 2009, 11:48:16 am »
Using SMF 1.1.10 and SMF Store 1.3.4

When I try to add a digital file to our store I get this message.

An Error Has Occurred! A file title is required

Yet I do have a file title.

I also have this in the error log.

Apply Filter: Only show the errors with the same message
8: Undefined index: title
File: /home/applianc/public_html/forums/Sources/Store.php
Line: 2733

Feature Requests / SMF Store Backup?
« on: August 13, 2009, 11:05:57 pm »
How about a way to backup our SMF store?

It would be nice if you deleted a category with a lot of items in it or just really screwed up you inventory some how to be able to restore the store from a backup file without having to restore you whole SMF Database.


I just noticed this in my store admin settings.

How long has 1.3.4 been out and what's new with it?

Support / I just can't get enough emails, lol..
« on: August 08, 2009, 07:42:32 am »
I hope Newsletter Pro does not turn me into a pro spammer, lol...

I aways feel a little bit like a spammer when I send out a monthly newsletter now to our 4,000+ members.
I always wanted another way for none member to be able to give me there email address and to be able to organize list of other email address I collect by hand, but never had a good way to go about doing it until Newletter Pro come along. :)

I kind of feel like a dirty little spammer now, out there collecting emails any way I can.
Giving everyone I spam email a "unsubscribe link" makes me feel a bit better about it. :)

Thanks for all the hard work you put into Newsletter Pro. I think it's really going to help us out.

Support / List?
« on: August 07, 2009, 10:59:08 pm »
Across the top there are these tabs: Settings,    Lists,    Messages,  Reports, Campaigns,  Signup Form,  Manage Links,  Unsubscribe List  

Could you explain how the lists work?

I see how you can create a email list and title it, but it also seems that newsletters I create and send out also get added to the list.

Support / Manage Links?
« on: August 07, 2009, 10:41:35 pm »
Everytime I send out a test newsletter with the same URL link added it adds it again to the Manage Links list.

For example I sent out three test newsletters all with this URL in it.


So now I have http://repairclinic.com showing up three times in the Manage Links list.

Seems kind of pointless.

Also what good does it do to be able to "Modify Link" in the Manage Links list?

Would maybe be nice if we had the option to delete one.

Support / Unsubscribe List: Database Error Screen for newletter links
« on: August 07, 2009, 10:27:32 pm »
It seems once someone is added to the "Unsubscribe List" by clicking on the "Unsubscribe to this mailing" at the bottom of there email newsletter the other links stop working too.

Instead of the other links tracking and taking them to the URL in the link they are taken to our website and shown a "Database Error" page that reads.

Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator.

Can it be made so the email newsletter links still work for the people that unsubscribe to out newsletter?

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