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Topics - Vincent Volmer

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 8
Support / Membergroup access
« on: December 08, 2011, 02:03:12 am »
Hello SMFHacks,

We want to give other membergroups access to the newsletter mod to make and send newsletters. I made a membergroup called 'newsletter' and put "send a forum email to members" on (see attachment).

The users in that membergroup can see the default newsletter stuff from SMF but they don't see the full menu items of Newsletter Pro. Please see the other attachment.

Is this a bug or am I missing something?

Thanks for your help!


Support / [4.0] Images automatically added related images
« on: November 21, 2011, 03:40:08 pm »
Hello SMFHacks,

Are new images in the Gallery automatically added to the related images? Or do I need to regenerate them by hand?



Support / Facebook Share
« on: November 20, 2011, 02:56:42 pm »
Hello SMFHacks,

We started today with using the FB Share this button in the Gallery. Works nice... thanks for this button. We would like to see more information posted on facebook if that is possible. Is it possible to post also the description of the Image? Instead of only the image title? Would be great!

Please see attachments for what I mean... ;)



Support / Set on all "Notify me of comments" on
« on: December 17, 2010, 04:40:47 pm »
Hello SMFHacks,

How can I turn on, at all bulk imported images, the "Notify me of comments" on? They are all off.
This could be done with a sql script but could you help me with this?



Support / [3.0.11] 2 errors in the log
« on: December 15, 2010, 01:20:57 am »
Hello SMFHacks,

On a clean install SMF2.0RC4 and GalleryPro 3.0.11 I see 2 errors in the log:

URL http://###########/index.php?action=gallery
8: Undefined index: gallery_poptags
Bestand: /home/#######/domains/###########/public_html/Sources/Gallery2.php
Regel: 9426

URL http://###########/index.php?action=gallery
2: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
Bestand: /home/#######/domains/###########/public_html/Sources/Gallery2.php
Regel: 9359

As far as I can see all is working correct.


Feature Requests / Custom field / admin field
« on: September 17, 2010, 09:09:11 am »
Hello SMFHacks,

I would like to ask if you could add an 'custom field' near the product description. It will be more easy to pay our vendors.

# Add product:

# View product in the store:

This field could be used to give a specific code, name or owner to a product. This will make it more easy to pay your (our) vendors.

A multi vendor store is a bit much to ask I'm afraid  :P ...

Thanks SMFHacks!


Feature Requests / Control the start/end date of sale price
« on: September 17, 2010, 09:06:48 am »

+Added product options to control the start/end date of an item. Note admin's can still see the item

Hello SMFHacks,

Could you please add a similar option for the On Sale/Sale Price?



Support / rel="nofollow"
« on: June 22, 2010, 09:33:59 am »
Hello SMFHacks,

Could you please add
Code: [Select]
rel="nofollow" in the text and banner ads? Or make it an option? It is something Google want to see.


Bugs / [1.3.9] order products by ID_ITEM DESC
« on: May 27, 2010, 02:25:11 pm »
Hello SMFHacks,

I have changed a bit of the code in Store2.template.php to let it order products by ID_ITEM DESC

find (line 79 in Store2.template.php)
Code: [Select]
ORDER BY i.itemorder DESC LIMIT $context[start]," . $modSettings['store_set_items_per_page']);
replace with
Code: [Select]
ORDER BY i.ID_ITEM DESC LIMIT $context[start]," . $modSettings['store_set_items_per_page']);
I don't know what itemorder does but it shuffles the items instead of the newest items in first place.


Support / [2.0.5] error PrettyURLs
« on: May 01, 2010, 04:45:02 pm »
Hello SMF Hacks,

With Pretty URL's enabled, sending newsletters isn't working correct. In first instances the website isn't responding for a couple of seconds. After a couple of seconds there appears a white screen with URL: http://digiscrap.nl/admin/?area=news;sa=mailingsend

Only 51 newsletters are send (of 1781 total).

When PrettyURL's is disabled the newsletter mod is working correct again and all newsletters are send (1781 total).

Please any help on this...
Edit: no errors in the log (for this issue).


Feature Requests / Photo areas tagging, category restricted
« on: April 20, 2010, 06:20:05 am »
Hello SMF Hacks,

All though it is not working correct (this post), I would like to ask: is it possible to restrict the use of the photo areas tagging for a category? It would be nice to have the option to chose for which category this tagger works.

We don't want to use it in our general gallery but we prefer to use it in our 'yes, we want to have your critical comments' gallery.

Thanks for your support!


Bugs / [3.0.1] Error after adding category
« on: April 15, 2010, 03:47:31 am »
Hello SMFHacks,

I think we have a hotline.. hehe

I added a categorie to the gallery and when i try to add an image to it I see this error:
Code: [Select]
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare addcategory() (previously declared in /shared/usr/xxxxxxxxxx/DOMAIN/www.digiscrap.nl/HTML/Sources/Gallery2.php:380) in /shared/usr/xxxxxxxxxxx/DOMAIN/www.digiscrap.nl/HTML/Sources/Downloads2.php  on line 663
I enabled 'posting in a board' for this category. When I disable it the error disappears.


Bugs / [3.0.1] Error pages after keyword
« on: April 14, 2010, 10:02:21 am »
Hello SMF Hacks,

I found an error. When a member clicks on a keyword or search for a keyword (only selected keyword) he will see 2 pages of images (keyword=puzzel in this case). When he clicks page 2 there appears this error:

URL http://digiscrap.nl/index.php?action=gallery;sa=search2;q=cC5rZXl3b3JkcyBMSUtFICclUHV6emVsJSc;w;qs=b84c4cc2e6b3b7cfe4bdeed4db949ebf7d0f3050;ws=c0c02665b9f02013c553e3763e4ace62504fa6eb;start=20
Veiligheidscontrole mislukt (check failed)

$txt['gallery_err_checkfailed'] = 'Veiligheidscontrole mislukt';

Other keywords are fine..... so it must be something with the keyword I guess..... or differences between other GalleryPro versions?

When they search for this keyword, in keywords and description this error doesn't appear.

Thanks for you help..... and sorry for my bad, bad English. I hope you understand it.


Feature Requests / Highslide viewer
« on: April 14, 2010, 04:42:34 am »
Hello SMFHacks,

Would it be possible for you to add the highslide viewer to the store? We prefer the highslide viewer and we use it on the gallery and downloads too.


Feature Requests / Custom field (check box)
« on: April 12, 2010, 04:07:58 am »
Hello SMFHacks,

Could you please add an option to the custom fields so that we can add check boxes for something like:

Radio button:
Do you appreciate critical notes from members: O Yes O No


Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 8

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