Understanding that you may be working on the Badges mod in the (near) future... here are some requests that my userbase has asked me to put forward to you... they are simply... requests.

Alerts. I know you're very much interested in adding alerts to this mod. AWESOME! Since we really don't need the image of the user "sending" the alert... just an image of the badge in the alert would be killer!
Display options. This is my #1 requested item for years (since the old version). Users would LOVE to be able to CHOOSE which badges they display. Me? I would love to see a RANDOM option. I can see it working something like this... in admin, choose the number of badges to display. Each badge has a pull down with three options.. option 1: latest badges, option 2: random badges, option 3: custom badges. If options 1 or 2 are selected... done, however if option 3 is chosen, then a sub drop down with all the users badges appears where they can choose which badge they want to appear in that spot. NOW... I am getting this is a HUGE HUGE HUGE change and I am guessing it would require a buttload of work... but it is the #1 requested change I get for this mod. ME? I would be thrilled to allow each user to simply choose "LATEST BADGES" or "RANDOM BADGES"... a user profile choice.
Location options. This is my OCD kicking in. For the 2.0.x version of this mod I moved the badges to have them display horizontally in the location where the Awesome Ratings mod shows up (bottom right, flush right). I would love to see an option to choose to leave it where it is at the left, or display on the bottom right, flush right, ideally UNDER the Advanced Rating mod if a user was to have it installed. This allows for more ratings to be displayed without making the "minimum post window" crazy long. For example, the current way the mod displays, I can get 8 badges up there making 2 columns. If I go with 12 or 16, the minimum window for each post (if, for example someone only uses one or two lines) is getting larger and larger... moving the ratings to the bottom right allows for 16 or more badges. It also balances the page IMHO.
Hover. Any way to make this mod either ZOOM or simply "pop-up" the full size image of each badge when you run your mouse over them? THAT would be a worthy upgrade IMHO.
Remove View All. Is it necessary to have the "View all" text above the badges? If we can't have them zoom or pop-up... or even in addition TO being able to zoom or pop-up on hover, it would be nice to be able to click the badges to get to the "see all" screen... or better yet, to get to that specific badges "see all" screen.
That's about it. I asked my users to tick off what they'd love to see changed about the badges system and this is it with some of my own ideas sprinkled in.
Thanks for the consideration and I would be happy to beta test anything for 2.1.1 for you.