Thanks for the 2.5Beta 2 ! I'm very happy with the fix for the custom fields!!
I have 2 errors in the log after installing (I did not remove the older version):
URL http://centani.nl/10/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=5151
8: Undefined index: ID_CAT
File: /shared/usr/wzen1234567/DOMAIN/HTML/10/Themes/default/Gallery2.template.php (view_picture sub template - eval?)
Line: 1887
URL http://centani.nl/10/index.php?action=gallery;sa=edit;id=5151
8: Undefined index: ID_PICTURE
File: /shared/usr/wzen1234567/DOMAIN/HTML/10/Themes/default/GenericControls.template.php (edit_picture sub template - eval?)
Line: 1239
Thanks Vincent