We are excited to announce the release of SMF Gallery Pro 4.0 a gallery system for SMF. This release brings some new enchantments to multiple areas of the gallery system including bringing the layout of the user galleries closer to the main galleries, new feature for building a related images on view picture, uploading of zip files though bulk upload, social media updates and other tweaks and features.
Fore more information on SMF Gallery Pro visit
http://www.smfhacks.com/smf-gallery-pro.phpExisting active customers can download from
http://www.smfhacks.com/index.php/topic,6463.0.htmlIf you need to renew. The renewal page is found at:
+Added related images feature to the gallery. Allows you to set the number of related images to show underneath the image description area on view picture.
!Fixed broken thumbnail in RSS feeds in SMF 2.0
!Fixed division by zero bug in case of bad exif data
!Bulk uploader now uses filename for title if no title given.
!Fixed permissions for images shown in the listall areas respects category level permissions
!Fixed previous/next links when using a custom sort order for a category
+Added facebook sharing meta data to share description, title, and thumbnail image
+Added support for a gallery pro addon to add an upload to gallery link inside a message post
!Fixed updating latest posted picture gallery option on image approval for SMF 1.1.x
+Added Add Picture and Favorites link to menu in SMF 1.1.x
+Improved the add picture link in the menu
+Updated the facebook sharing code
!Better performance for the recent commented pictures block
!Fix duplicate gallery link in linktree for user galleries SMF 1.1x
+User Galleries now have the last post feature the same as main galleries if you have that setting enabled
+Added RSS links to user gallery categories if you have RSS enabled
!Fixed undefined error for top tabs on user gallery delete category SMF 2.0
+Updated main javascript frameworks
+Added Google+ sharing option on view picture
+Added processing of zips in bulk upload requires zip extension/builtin with php