SMF Store 2.5 has been released. This update brings some style tweaks mainly to SMF 2.0. A couple new functions including shipping conditions based on weight, default currency setting, and checkbox approval/removal of comments in the admin area. For more information on SMF Store visit A complete is available below changelog read below:
Version 2.5
+Updated html markup style to improve display for SMF 2.0
+Added setting on view item only to show membergroup price options only if better than the item's price
+Alternate table row styles in different sections of the admin area to make it easier to read
+Added shipping condition based on weight.
+Added checkbox approve/delete comments on the approve comments page
+Better formatting of GBP pricing
+Added default currency select setting used when adding a new product
+Added better copyright removal purchase system
!Fixed bug with meta description for facebook property not escaping quotes correctly
!Fixed price on wishlist page to allow showing custom membergroup price
!You can now search for hidden transactions
!Fixed issue with multiple pages for the myproducts area.
Existing active SMF Store and Community Suite license members can download the latest version of SMF Store from the download forum for SMF Store
To renew your expired license visit