We have released Downloads Pro 4.0 a downloads system for SMF 2.0.x and SMF 1.1.x
This release adds a new moderation logging system, improved stats page, easier links to find downloads posted by members, better handling of custom fields and other tweaks and updates in the downloads system.
For more information on Downloads Pro visit:
http://www.smfhacks.com/download-system-pro.phpList of major changes for Downloads Pro 4.0 listed below:
+Added moderation logging to log key actions made by download admins in the download along with a Moderation Log area
+Added more stats to the stats page such as average comments per day, average uploads per day, total votes
+Added new downloads lastupdated index block and listall type
+Added a search icon link on view download to show all downloads that a user has posted
+Custom Fields can now be added globally instead of just category level specific
+Added Facebook Like, Google+, Reddit as sharing options
+Now inserts keywords into SMF Tags if you have the smf tagging system installed
!Fixed medium image post link for topic creation
+My files area sa=myfiles an now be accessed without passing a userid
+Added comment count next to comments on view download
+Added index to date,ID_MEMBER column on down_pic table for better performance when searching
+Updated some linktrees with more information/style
!Fixed some moderation links in SMF 2.0.x on unviewed/listall
!Fixed some undefined errors with related downloads SMF 2.0.x
Exiting customers with active licenses and Community Suite customers can download the update located at
http://www.smfhacks.com/index.php/topic,3489.0.htmlIf you need to renew your license you can do so at: