We can't find where to insert a picture!!
And the code is
// ClassifiedsBlock(2,4, 'random','vertical');
ClassifiedsBlock(1,3, 'random','vertical');
// ClassifiedsBlock(2,4, 'random','horizonstal');
function ClassifiedsBlock($rows = 4, $listings = 4, $type = 'recent', $category = 0, $format = 'vertical', $startHtml = '', $endHtml = '')
global $smcFunc, $scripturl, $txt, $modSettings, $boardurl, $user_info, $context, $sourcedir, $boarddir;
$rows = (int) $rows;
$listings = (int) $listings;
$category = (int) $category;
// Html Header
echo $startHtml;
// Load the language files
if (loadlanguage('classifieds') == false)
loadLanguage('classifieds', 'english');
$g_manage = allowedTo('smfclassifieds_manage');
$groupsdata = implode($user_info['groups'],',');
if (empty($modSettings['class_url']))
$modSettings['class_url'] = $boardurl . '/classifieds/';
if (empty($modSettings['class_path']))
$modSettings['class_path'] = $boarddir . '/classifieds/';
$maxrowlevel = $rows;
echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0" align="center" width="100%">
// Check what type it is
$query = ' ';
case 'recent':
$query = "SELECT i.ID_LISTING, i.commenttotal,
i.primaryID_PICTURE, i.title, p.thumbfilename, p.remotefilename, i.currentbid,i.currency,
i.datelisted, i.views, i.is_auction, i.totalbids, i.ID_CAT, c.noprice, i.expiredate
FROM {db_prefix}class_listing as i
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}class_listing_pic as p ON (i.primaryID_PICTURE = p.ID_PICTURE)
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}class_cat as c ON (i.ID_CAT = c.ID_CAT)
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}class_catperm AS r ON (r.ID_GROUP IN ($groupsdata) AND r.ID_CAT = i.ID_CAT)
WHERE i.removed = 0 AND i.approved = 1 AND (r.view IS NULL || r.view =1) GROUP BY i.ID_LISTING ORDER BY i.ID_LISTING DESC LIMIT $listings";
case 'viewed':
$query = "SELECT i.ID_LISTING, i.commenttotal,
i.primaryID_PICTURE, i.title, p.thumbfilename, p.remotefilename, i.currentbid,i.currency,
i.datelisted, i.views, i.is_auction, i.totalbids, i.ID_CAT, c.noprice, i.expiredate
FROM {db_prefix}class_listing as i
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}class_listing_pic as p ON (i.primaryID_PICTURE = p.ID_PICTURE)
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}class_cat as c ON (i.ID_CAT = c.ID_CAT)
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}class_catperm AS r ON (r.ID_GROUP IN ($groupsdata) AND r.ID_CAT = i.ID_CAT)
WHERE i.removed = 0 AND i.approved = 1 AND (r.view IS NULL || r.view =1) GROUP BY i.ID_LISTING ORDER BY i.views DESC LIMIT $listings";
case 'random':
$query = "SELECT i.ID_LISTING, i.commenttotal,
i.primaryID_PICTURE, i.title, p.thumbfilename, p.remotefilename, i.currentbid,i.currency,
i.datelisted, i.views, i.is_auction, i.totalbids, i.ID_CAT, c.noprice, i.expiredate
FROM {db_prefix}class_listing as i
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}class_listing_pic as p ON (i.primaryID_PICTURE = p.ID_PICTURE)
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}class_cat as c ON (i.ID_CAT = c.ID_CAT)
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}class_catperm AS r ON (r.ID_GROUP IN ($groupsdata) AND r.ID_CAT = i.ID_CAT)
WHERE i.removed = 0 AND i.approved = 1 AND (r.view IS NULL || r.view =1) GROUP BY i.ID_LISTING ORDER BY RAND() DESC LIMIT $listings";
case 'mostcomments':
$query = "SELECT i.ID_LISTING, i.commenttotal,
i.primaryID_PICTURE, i.title, p.thumbfilename, p.remotefilename, i.currentbid,i.currency,
i.datelisted, i.views, i.is_auction, i.totalbids, i.ID_CAT, c.noprice, i.expiredate
FROM {db_prefix}class_listing as i
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}class_listing_pic as p ON (i.primaryID_PICTURE = p.ID_PICTURE)
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}class_cat as c ON (i.ID_CAT = c.ID_CAT)
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}class_catperm AS r ON (r.ID_GROUP IN ($groupsdata) AND r.ID_CAT = i.ID_CAT)
WHERE i.removed = 0 AND i.approved = 1 AND (r.view IS NULL || r.view =1) GROUP BY i.ID_LISTING ORDER BY i.commenttotal DESC LIMIT $listings";
case 'featured':
$query = "SELECT i.ID_LISTING, i.commenttotal,
i.primaryID_PICTURE, i.title, p.thumbfilename, p.remotefilename, i.currentbid,i.currency,
i.datelisted, i.views, i.is_auction, i.totalbids, i.ID_CAT, c.noprice, i.expiredate
FROM {db_prefix}class_listing as i
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}class_listing_pic as p ON (i.primaryID_PICTURE = p.ID_PICTURE)
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}class_cat as c ON (i.ID_CAT = c.ID_CAT)
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}class_catperm AS r ON (r.ID_GROUP IN ($groupsdata) AND r.ID_CAT = i.ID_CAT)
WHERE i.removed = 0 AND i.approved = 1 AND i.featuredlisting = 1 AND (r.view IS NULL || r.view =1) GROUP BY i.ID_LISTING ORDER BY i.ID_LISTING DESC LIMIT $listings";
// Execute the SQL query
$dbresult = $smcFunc['db_query']('', $query);
$rowlevel = 0;
while($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($dbresult))
if ($rowlevel == 0)
echo '<tr class="windowbg2">';
echo '<td align="center"><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=classifieds;sa=view;id=', $row['ID_LISTING'], '">', $row['title'], '</a><br />';
if (!empty($row['primaryID_PICTURE']) && $modSettings['class_catlist_showimage'])
if (empty($row['remotefilename']))
echo '<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=classifieds;sa=view;id=', $row['ID_LISTING'], '"><img src="', $modSettings['class_url'], $row['thumbfilename'], '" alt="" /></a><br />';
echo '<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=classifieds;sa=view;id=', $row['ID_LISTING'], '"><img src="', $row['remotefilename'], '" alt="" /></a><br />';
echo '<span class="smalltext">';
if (!empty($modSettings['class_catlist_currentprice']) && $row['noprice'] == 0)
echo $txt['class_text_price'] . SMFEzformatprice($row['currentbid'],$row['currency']) . '<br />';
if (!empty($modSettings['class_catlist_listingdate']))
if (!empty($modSettings['class_set_date_format_mdy']))
echo $txt['class_text_date'] . date($modSettings['class_set_date_format_mdy'],$row['datelisted']), ' ', date($modSettings['class_set_date_format_hia'],$row['datelisted']) . '<br />';
echo $txt['class_text_date'] . date("m/d/Y",$row['datelisted']) . ' ' . date("h:i a",$row['datelisted']) . '<br />';
if ($modSettings['class_catlist_timeleft'])
echo $txt['class_txt_time_left'] ;
echo ($row['expiredate'] == 0 ? $txt['class_expire_never'] : SMFezblockclass_cattimeleft( date("Y",$row['expiredate']), date("m",$row['expiredate']), date("d",$row['expiredate']), date("H",$row['expiredate']), date("i",$row['expiredate']),date("s",$row['expiredate'])) ) , '<br />';
if (!empty($modSettings['class_catlist_numofbids']) && $row['noprice'] == 0 && $row['is_auction'] == 1)
echo $txt['class_text_totalbids'] . ' ' . $row['totalbids'] . '<br />';
if (!empty($modSettings['class_catlist_comments']))
echo $txt['class_text_comments'] . ' (<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=classifieds;sa=view;id=' . $row['ID_LISTING'] . '">' . $row['commenttotal'] . '</a>)<br />';
if ($g_manage)
if ($row['is_auction'] == 0)
echo ' <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=classifieds;sa=editlisting;id=' . $row['ID_LISTING'] . '">' . $txt['class_text_edit'] . '</a>';
echo ' <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=classifieds;sa=editauction;id=' . $row['ID_LISTING'] . '">' . $txt['class_text_edit'] . '</a>';
echo ' <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=classifieds;sa=deletelisting;id=' . $row['ID_LISTING'] . '">' . $txt['class_text_delete'] . '</a>';
echo '<hr>' ;
echo '</span></td>';
if($rowlevel < ($maxrowlevel-1))
echo '</tr>';
$rowlevel = 0;
if($rowlevel !=0)
echo '</tr>';
echo '
</table><br />';
// Free the Mysql Resoruces
// Html Footer
echo $endHtml;
function SMFEzformatprice($price,$currency)
if ($currency == 'USD')
return '$' . number_format($price, 2, '.', '');
else if ($currency == 'GBP')
return '£' . number_format($price, 2, '.', '');
elseif ($currency == 'CAD')
return '$' . number_format($price, 2, '.', '');
elseif ($currency == 'AUD')
return '$' . number_format($price, 2, '.', '');
elseif ($currency == 'ZAR')
return 'R ' . number_format($price, 2, '-', '');
return $price . ' ' . $currency;
function SMFezblockclass_cattimeleft($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $seconds)
global $txt;
// make a unix timestamp for the given date
$the_countdown_date = mktime($hour, $minute, $seconds, $month, $day, $year, -1);
// get current unix timestamp
$today = forum_time(false);
$difference = $the_countdown_date - $today;
if ($difference < 0) $difference = 0;
$days_left = floor($difference/60/60/24);
$hours_left = floor(($difference - $days_left*60*60*24)/60/60);
$minutes_left = floor(($difference - $days_left*60*60*24 - $hours_left*60*60)/60);
$seconds_left = floor(($difference - $days_left*60*60*24 - $hours_left*60*60 - $minutes_left*60));
if ($days_left == 0 && $hours_left == 0 && $minutes_left < 5 && ($minutes_left != 0 && $seconds_left !=0))
echo '<font color="#FF0000">';
echo '<span class="smalltext">';
if ($days_left > 0)
echo $days_left . 'd ' . $hours_left . 'h ' . $minutes_left . 'm';
if ($hours_left > 0)
echo $hours_left . 'h ' . $minutes_left . 'm';
if ($minutes_left > 0)
echo $minutes_left . 'm ' . $seconds_left . 's';
if ($seconds_left > 0)
echo $seconds_left . 's';
echo '</span>';
if ($days_left == 0 && $hours_left == 0 && $minutes_left < 5 && ($minutes_left != 0 && $seconds_left !=0))
echo '</font>';