SMF Store 1.1 ReleasedAdditions and changes for SMF Store 1.1
+Added Coupons. Coupons support percent or amount based. Coupons can be set to use on all items or a specific item. Coupons can also expire and have a usage limit.
+Added shopping cart system
!Fixed editing products and guest view item page
!Fixed importing files from a path on the website
!Fixed guest redirection for buying items
+Added a more secure price checking system.
!Fix formatting display of USD currency to two decimal places
+Added option to mark an item as being shipped or not shipped
+Added total on main store view and settings page to list the total items not shipped if they require shipping
+Added an inventory section in the admin panel to view the current number of items currently in stock for items that require stock
+Added main page blocks for most recent, most viewed, most commented, and top rated products.
+Added product download links expire after a number of days
+Added option to download transaction logs on the view transactions page
!Fixed searching for transaction id on view transaction page
+Added notes page on give free product and allowed you to edit transactions for notes.
+Added option to specify a different PayPal payment address for a product.
!Fixed changing member groups on item purchase. If a primary group is set then it adds the new group in the users secondary member group.
Current customers for SMF Store can download the latest edition from the downloads section:,24.0.html