Yikes, I've been searching and testing everywhere for the solution to this one...
I have 3 banner ads in section: "After First Post", which incidentally, they actually show above the first post, before it is selected or open but that looks great, the problem is that once the post is selected, the ads at the top disappear and then only 1 ad appears at the bottom of the selected post.
I tried every imaginable option to include a: ShowAdLocation( X, 0, 3, False) but no luck, I can't get the 3 banners to display at once.
I tried every 'Ad Location' # in place of 'X' and no luck.
See attached image that displays the view "prior" to selecting the first post and "after" the first post is selected.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Thanks again, as usual, I really appreciated your help on the other posts.