

Tweet Topics/FB Post System

This system allows your forum to automatically facebook post and or tweet topics from selected boards. Each tweet or facebook post contains the topic title along with a link back to the topic on your forum. Expand the reach and gain traffic though facebook/twitter and keep your followers up to date on the latest happenings on your forum.
PHP 5 with cURL extension installed
Supports SMF 2.0.x (MySQL) And SMF 1.1.x

  • Automatically post topics from Facebook and or Twitter
  • Select which boards to tweet/post
  • Link shortening support for topic link with Bitly for Twitter
  • No Footer Copyright link at all!

Price $25 owned license (One year of updates)
License: For one instance on an online forum.
Requires: PHP 5
No longer offered

Licenses are non refundable and you must ensure that hosting meets the above requirements.


Tweet Topics System Settings